Lemon coconut cake - dessert, which causes this addiction.
Lemon cakes like no one other dessert. It is appreciated and loved for a light acidity and subtle touch of citrus. Revision «Website» has decided to share with you one of our favorite desserts - lemon coconut cake. He even looks so appetizing that I want to do cooking right now!
Lemon coconut tortIngredienty for biscuit (6 cakes) 6 eggs 6 tablespoons. l. sugar 6 tablespoons. l. flour
for lemon Kurd 1/4 Art. lemon juice 1/4 Art. water 1 tbsp. l. lemon peel 2/3 Art. sugar 3 eggs
To decorate the 1 tbsp. coconut whipped cream gelatin Lemon
Preparation On the one take the cake 1 egg, a tablespoon of sugar and a tablespoon of flour. Alternately, mix the ingredients for each cake and baking them. Prepare lemon Kurd. To do this, bring to a boil lemon juice mixed with sugar and zest. Vzbey eggs slightly and pour a thin stream into them hot lemon juice. Returns it all on a little fire and stir, bring to a boil. Vary 5 more minutes, stirring constantly, until thickened, then pour into a clean bowl, cover with foil and cool.
Each sponge cake promazh Kurd and sprinkle with coconut.
Top the cake is not necessary promazyvat Kurd. He and the entire cake obmazh whipped cream, mixed with a fixative or gelatin. A top with a Kurd.
Fry in the oven for half a cup of coconut at 180 degrees until golden brown.
Pour some chips sides of cake, do edging of the whipped cream and decorate the cake with lemon.
This lemon cake looks very festive, and the taste - fabulous treat. You fall in love with it at first bite. Always try to cook this unusual dessert!
Lemon coconut tortIngredienty for biscuit (6 cakes) 6 eggs 6 tablespoons. l. sugar 6 tablespoons. l. flour
for lemon Kurd 1/4 Art. lemon juice 1/4 Art. water 1 tbsp. l. lemon peel 2/3 Art. sugar 3 eggs
To decorate the 1 tbsp. coconut whipped cream gelatin Lemon
Preparation On the one take the cake 1 egg, a tablespoon of sugar and a tablespoon of flour. Alternately, mix the ingredients for each cake and baking them. Prepare lemon Kurd. To do this, bring to a boil lemon juice mixed with sugar and zest. Vzbey eggs slightly and pour a thin stream into them hot lemon juice. Returns it all on a little fire and stir, bring to a boil. Vary 5 more minutes, stirring constantly, until thickened, then pour into a clean bowl, cover with foil and cool.

Each sponge cake promazh Kurd and sprinkle with coconut.

Top the cake is not necessary promazyvat Kurd. He and the entire cake obmazh whipped cream, mixed with a fixative or gelatin. A top with a Kurd.

Fry in the oven for half a cup of coconut at 180 degrees until golden brown.

Pour some chips sides of cake, do edging of the whipped cream and decorate the cake with lemon.

This lemon cake looks very festive, and the taste - fabulous treat. You fall in love with it at first bite. Always try to cook this unusual dessert!
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