How to dye your hair without chemicals: only natural products!
< Colouring hair most women become a part of a complex of self-care procedures. But how to protect your hair from the harmful effects of chemicals?
«Website» offers several ways to natural hair dye , that will change color at least every week, at the same time not only harmlessly curls and strengthening them and nourishing!
Natural hair coloring walnut for
brown hair
Green peel from 15-20 Grind walnuts. Pour hot water so that it covered the full treatment. Dai means little brew.
Brushes for painting in the resulting liquid to moisten and prokrashivaya strand by strand, to distribute all the means of hair. Hold for 15-20 minutes, wash away with water and rinse with a solution of apple cider vinegar.
Also for dark shades, you can use walnut shells
onion skin to golden-brown hair
A glass of onion peel zaley 1 liter of water, boil and let it brew for 1 hour. Drench your hair with this liquid, and put a plastic cap. An hour later, means you can wash with water.
for light hair Chamomile
Slightly lighten your hair and give them a beautiful golden iridescence help Daisy. 100 grams of chamomile flowers zaley 0, 5 liters of water, boil and strain. Apply to washed hair and hold for 30 minutes. Do not forget to rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar!
< rinse hair chamomile extract you can at least every day, as long as you will not achieve the desired result.
Beets and carrots for the bright red hair
beets or carrots Take (depending on the desired shade), grate and squeeze the juice. Clean dry hair in the juice to moisten, give them a little dry, repeat the procedure for more color intensity. An hour later, rinse hair with water.
Whatever means you choose for yourself, remember that natural hair color - soft and gentle compared with the chemical. Therefore, to maintain a pronounced effect, a procedure should be repeated weekly. Beauty and health to you!
Your girlfriends are also useful to learn about the harmless methods of hair coloring !
«Website» offers several ways to natural hair dye , that will change color at least every week, at the same time not only harmlessly curls and strengthening them and nourishing!
Natural hair coloring walnut for
brown hair
Green peel from 15-20 Grind walnuts. Pour hot water so that it covered the full treatment. Dai means little brew.
Brushes for painting in the resulting liquid to moisten and prokrashivaya strand by strand, to distribute all the means of hair. Hold for 15-20 minutes, wash away with water and rinse with a solution of apple cider vinegar.
Also for dark shades, you can use walnut shells
onion skin to golden-brown hair
A glass of onion peel zaley 1 liter of water, boil and let it brew for 1 hour. Drench your hair with this liquid, and put a plastic cap. An hour later, means you can wash with water.
for light hair Chamomile
Slightly lighten your hair and give them a beautiful golden iridescence help Daisy. 100 grams of chamomile flowers zaley 0, 5 liters of water, boil and strain. Apply to washed hair and hold for 30 minutes. Do not forget to rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar!
< rinse hair chamomile extract you can at least every day, as long as you will not achieve the desired result.
Beets and carrots for the bright red hair
beets or carrots Take (depending on the desired shade), grate and squeeze the juice. Clean dry hair in the juice to moisten, give them a little dry, repeat the procedure for more color intensity. An hour later, rinse hair with water.
Whatever means you choose for yourself, remember that natural hair color - soft and gentle compared with the chemical. Therefore, to maintain a pronounced effect, a procedure should be repeated weekly. Beauty and health to you!
Your girlfriends are also useful to learn about the harmless methods of hair coloring !
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