Cream "Perfect heels": you will not find this in any store!
< Molten skin on heels - a very common problem. The reason for this phenomenon may be a low-quality shoes, which does not transmit a sufficient amount of air and does not give the skin to breathe.
The fact that most of the year our legs are in the closed space. The skin is what makes that sweating, tired, dry and even cracking. To avoid problems with calloused heels, just use this simple tool.
Cream pyatokTebe need
The fact that most of the year our legs are in the closed space. The skin is what makes that sweating, tired, dry and even cracking. To avoid problems with calloused heels, just use this simple tool.

Cream pyatokTebe need
- 20 g of calendula ointment
- 10 g of liquid vitamin A (1 USD) ul >
Mix these ingredients thoroughly in a small container. Here, actually, and everything - the miraculous cream is ready! If your heels are in need of urgent care, spend a vitamin assault. For one week every evening steams feet, handle them with pumice and lubricates this cream at night. Wearing cotton socks, go to bed.
After such a treatment course cracked heels for a long time to heal, and the skin becomes smooth and well-groomed. It will be enough to apply the remedy once a week. Tell your friends about this miraculous cream, because surely they too are faced with this problem!
Put a slice of tomato on your face and wait for 1 hour. With amazing skin will change!
By the dirty trays and nobody wanted to touch until the craftsman has not got down to business!