Now I look 10 years younger: all thanks to the magical effect of coconut oil ...
Today, coconut oil has become the most popular cosmetic products. It is used as a moisturizer, makeup remover, body lotion.
Our editorial staff will share with you the secrets of extraordinary Use coconut oil
Use coconut oil Nail Care
Rubbing of coconut oil in the skin around the nail plate, you can easily get rid of the dryness and peeling of the cuticle. When varicose
Coconut oil helps in the early stages of the disease, when only appear varicose Stars. Rubbing oil on a daily basis in the problem areas, you will soon notice an improvement. cellulite
Mix ground coffee and coconut oil to a paste. Taking a shower, do a little massage using this scrub. Massage the problem areas for about 10 minutes. < Coconut oil effectively smoothes small bumps on the skin. Preventing stretch marks
Coconut oil is the most effective and safe means for the prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy. Put it on a regular basis after taking a shower on the abdomen and flanks. From the swelling around the eyes
Every evening, apply a small amount of oil under the eyes. The next morning you will be surprised the efficiency of this method! For whitening pigment spots
Coconut oil effectively removes small skin blemishes. Just lubricate them spots or scars, from which you want to get rid of. For hair straightening
Many women suffer daily, rectifying utjuzhkom stubborn curls. To align the hair, is enough to take a small amount of oil, rub it in your hands and gently hold hair. For healing
Of course, no one says that the oil is applied to open wounds. After the formation of the protective crust lubricate them every day the damaged area of skin. This will speed up the healing. As a remedy for intestinal parasites
It is no secret that coconut oil is great improves digestion. But few people know that using it regularly, can be a natural way to get rid of worms.
Share with your friends this valuable information! And also do not forget to learn how to lose weight with coconut oil ...
Our editorial staff will share with you the secrets of extraordinary Use coconut oil

Use coconut oil Nail Care
Rubbing of coconut oil in the skin around the nail plate, you can easily get rid of the dryness and peeling of the cuticle. When varicose
Coconut oil helps in the early stages of the disease, when only appear varicose Stars. Rubbing oil on a daily basis in the problem areas, you will soon notice an improvement. cellulite
Mix ground coffee and coconut oil to a paste. Taking a shower, do a little massage using this scrub. Massage the problem areas for about 10 minutes. < Coconut oil effectively smoothes small bumps on the skin. Preventing stretch marks
Coconut oil is the most effective and safe means for the prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy. Put it on a regular basis after taking a shower on the abdomen and flanks. From the swelling around the eyes
Every evening, apply a small amount of oil under the eyes. The next morning you will be surprised the efficiency of this method! For whitening pigment spots
Coconut oil effectively removes small skin blemishes. Just lubricate them spots or scars, from which you want to get rid of. For hair straightening
Many women suffer daily, rectifying utjuzhkom stubborn curls. To align the hair, is enough to take a small amount of oil, rub it in your hands and gently hold hair. For healing
Of course, no one says that the oil is applied to open wounds. After the formation of the protective crust lubricate them every day the damaged area of skin. This will speed up the healing. As a remedy for intestinal parasites
It is no secret that coconut oil is great improves digestion. But few people know that using it regularly, can be a natural way to get rid of worms.
Share with your friends this valuable information! And also do not forget to learn how to lose weight with coconut oil ...
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