As far as you are alive: 5 person reservoirs for F. Perls
In Gestalt therapy has a measuring scale, which allows you to see me as a physician, as you - my client alive
. There are 5 layers of personality:
The first layer - layer CLICHÉS
. We act strictly within the framework of a cliché - everyday, superficial, meaningless sotsializatsii.Primer: «Доброе-утро-как-дела-прекрасно-я-рад-хорошая-погода-ну-что-ж-до-встречи». Genuine zero contact. Level tseplyachego dermis, as he called it, Fritz Perls. No life.
The second layer - synthetic or plastic "playing games»
. This formation of the person, where we play games and social roles. Example: "A very important person," "snooty boy." Game Boss. The game of husband and wife. The game of "top dog - the dog from the bottom." I play a psychologist, you - the client. Then I will not have to see you as a living person, whom I can hurt, but you do not have to see me as a tired man who makes mistakes and is also modet hurt.
The danger here is that passes for some time - and the person has not, there is only a game. Let people without guts. The Cold War. Terrorism. Contact minimum, real life is almost absent.
The third layer -. Neurotic or deadlock
Deadlock almost completely justifies its name. Then go nowhere. We're stuck. This phobia, we're lost, we're stuck, frozen in terror, insecurity and confusion. But here, for the first time, we finally become aware of themselves, their contradictions and distortions. We began on the border of life and non-life, there is no place where this anger and real love, real tears, real happiness.
Our usual protection, our games and clichés no longer be triggered. And now we come to himself in all the nakedness and completely bewildered. We have not the slightest idea where to go. At this level usually come most of my clients.
The fourth layer -. Implosion, or the formation of death
This is a logical continuation of the third layer. Fear insurmountable impasse is now felt in full. All protection in vain, and we arrive at the death center, the core of our neurosis. All the necessities of life, the emotions, the feelings that we have been rejected, are now being felt, and require elaboration.
But while all of these forces are driven in and rigidly constrained. We squeezed, crushed and go inward, to the very center of immobility. This experience in the description is often compared to death.
And then there is our absolute, awe-inspiring change!
Fifth layer -. Combustible (explosive), or the formation of life
The energy that is still being held deep inside begins to move. Iploziya turns into explosions - directed inward explosion breaks out. The explosion and the energy breaks - FREEDOM !!!
We get in touch with your real "I", with authentic to us. We establish contact with life. Fritz described the 4 main types of explosion: grief, anger, and joy of orgasm. The four I would add a fifth - ecstasy! Finally, we have the freedom to feel, to experience and respond.
Being able to answer - it means to be responsible. Being able to respond to love, hurt, pain, work, play; answer is not turned off, do not come into play. Come alive, releasing energy. Getting rid of the organization, social conventions, and insurance fees on the loan. Be free to fly and cry, laugh and fall, to achieve success and tolerate failure, lose and love again.
See also: Bad karma: calculate and correct
How to heal the true causes of laziness
We are taught from childhood to think that there are two cranes in life: one is written "Pleasure", the other "Pain»
. Now, we finally found out that there is only one tap and it's called "awareness". When we think that reimplemented crane called "Pain", we are actually completely disable the "Awareness". We no longer feel pain, but fun too! We do not feel anything. We become empty and dead.
The purpose geshtalterapii - keep the valve open with the realization that it was over full and clean, and if there is a blockage - prochistit.opublikovano econet.ru
Author: Alexander Molyaruk
. There are 5 layers of personality:

The first layer - layer CLICHÉS
. We act strictly within the framework of a cliché - everyday, superficial, meaningless sotsializatsii.Primer: «Доброе-утро-как-дела-прекрасно-я-рад-хорошая-погода-ну-что-ж-до-встречи». Genuine zero contact. Level tseplyachego dermis, as he called it, Fritz Perls. No life.
The second layer - synthetic or plastic "playing games»
. This formation of the person, where we play games and social roles. Example: "A very important person," "snooty boy." Game Boss. The game of husband and wife. The game of "top dog - the dog from the bottom." I play a psychologist, you - the client. Then I will not have to see you as a living person, whom I can hurt, but you do not have to see me as a tired man who makes mistakes and is also modet hurt.
The danger here is that passes for some time - and the person has not, there is only a game. Let people without guts. The Cold War. Terrorism. Contact minimum, real life is almost absent.
The third layer -. Neurotic or deadlock
Deadlock almost completely justifies its name. Then go nowhere. We're stuck. This phobia, we're lost, we're stuck, frozen in terror, insecurity and confusion. But here, for the first time, we finally become aware of themselves, their contradictions and distortions. We began on the border of life and non-life, there is no place where this anger and real love, real tears, real happiness.
Our usual protection, our games and clichés no longer be triggered. And now we come to himself in all the nakedness and completely bewildered. We have not the slightest idea where to go. At this level usually come most of my clients.
The fourth layer -. Implosion, or the formation of death
This is a logical continuation of the third layer. Fear insurmountable impasse is now felt in full. All protection in vain, and we arrive at the death center, the core of our neurosis. All the necessities of life, the emotions, the feelings that we have been rejected, are now being felt, and require elaboration.
But while all of these forces are driven in and rigidly constrained. We squeezed, crushed and go inward, to the very center of immobility. This experience in the description is often compared to death.
And then there is our absolute, awe-inspiring change!
Fifth layer -. Combustible (explosive), or the formation of life
The energy that is still being held deep inside begins to move. Iploziya turns into explosions - directed inward explosion breaks out. The explosion and the energy breaks - FREEDOM !!!
We get in touch with your real "I", with authentic to us. We establish contact with life. Fritz described the 4 main types of explosion: grief, anger, and joy of orgasm. The four I would add a fifth - ecstasy! Finally, we have the freedom to feel, to experience and respond.
Being able to answer - it means to be responsible. Being able to respond to love, hurt, pain, work, play; answer is not turned off, do not come into play. Come alive, releasing energy. Getting rid of the organization, social conventions, and insurance fees on the loan. Be free to fly and cry, laugh and fall, to achieve success and tolerate failure, lose and love again.
See also: Bad karma: calculate and correct
How to heal the true causes of laziness
We are taught from childhood to think that there are two cranes in life: one is written "Pleasure", the other "Pain»
. Now, we finally found out that there is only one tap and it's called "awareness". When we think that reimplemented crane called "Pain", we are actually completely disable the "Awareness". We no longer feel pain, but fun too! We do not feel anything. We become empty and dead.
The purpose geshtalterapii - keep the valve open with the realization that it was over full and clean, and if there is a blockage - prochistit.opublikovano econet.ru
Author: Alexander Molyaruk