Fenech-fox named Kuzma won the internet!

Kuzma - the very charm! And it is ready to confirm any of the rapidly growing army of his fans. These tabs, sly fox muzzle and thin legs fast melt your heart faster than you can say "oops!" Hostess charming fox Fenech-named Kuzma claims not chasing popularity for your pet. According to her, she did not expect that he will like Instagram users and become a real star in the Nets.
Now Fenech, or rather its owner, regularly receives requests for photo shoots with lisёnkom and one site even wanted to make him the "face of the company"! < Website publishes a selection of photos ocharovashka Kuzma.

via pikabu.ru/story/lisyonokfenek_po_imeni_kuzma__4224911
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