These couples have recreated their photos and have proven that love - it's forever

There is nothing more touching and beautiful lovers who were able to keep their feelings for years. Grandparents who walk hand in hand, and still cute talk about everything, forcing a smile and once again make sure that it is love - one of the most important answers to the question about the meaning of human existence
Website admires these incredible couples who have repeated pictures of his youth. They are just as happy and beautiful as ever.
Day Wang (Wang Deyi) and Yuhua Cao (Cao Yuehua) were married 70 years ago.

same passionate kiss after 60 years.

Some things never change. For example, the couple and 40 years is ready to set off to meet adventures.

Chevrolet and another example of the love for life.

Sincerity and positive for all.

As if those 60 years and it was not.

On the 45th anniversary of their wedding the couple wearing the same clothes.

After 30 years, the pair arranged for himself another honeymoon.

1970 and 2010.

The woman keeps the wedding dress 60 years.

Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip share the same smile that was 60 years ago.

According to the materials: boredpanda
via www.boredpanda.com/then-and-now-couples-recreate-old-photos-love/