20+ Casual male affliction that women do not understand

Our dear women just can not imagine the difficulties men face every day. And that you do not have arrows on pantyhose and corn on the new shoes. Everything is much more serious. The men will understand. Most men go into the water, hang for a few seconds at this level.

Washing machine worse Bermuda Triangle

Do men with socks generally constant problems

Women constantly require them to remove

And if once is not removed, the next time might not byt

Here are girls funny, and yet cope with the morning toilet - it's all incredible missiya

Yes, and not only with the morning. Guys understand ...

Checkmate! B>

Shopping with his girlfriend - a real servitude

Oh, this equality ...

Why Institute boys learn girls worse? Yes, they just do not have enough concentration

In the spring, this problem is exacerbated even more

In the spring, this problem is exacerbated even more

All week you are waiting for this moment, and there is such a podstava Friday


The case, when suddenly out of gas. For some reason the peasants, he often ends away from zapravok

constant problem and a brilliant solution

And it put the bases, that women just do not understand

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