grammar school graduates declined from expensive dresses and costumes in order to help those in need!

Site publishes a remarkable example of kindness and generosity, gives us young noble people. This history of 3 years. Graduates of the gymnasium of the Serbian town of Pirot decided to abandon the expensive dresses and suits at the prom, to give the money saved to the needy. During the action "Your five minutes shine - someone's whole life" students and teachers collected 310,000 dinars, the money was transferred to three families with seriously ill children
. In the grand hall of the Gymnasium were transferred the money for the 12-year-old Predrag Poticha suffering from cerebral palsy, 11-year-old Matei Lazarevic, who underwent seven operations and the five-year Chedy Tosic, and cerebral palsy, and after recent surgery began to walk.
After the celebrations at the school, graduates have passed through the city center in T-shirts with the inscription «Your five minutes shine - someone's whole life»
. Graduates wanted to do something to be remembered, and to give an example to future generations.
"The money that I would give for expensive clothes, which, who knows when else would put on, I can give to someone who really need it", - said graduate Branagh Kostic
. via gazetavv.com/news/ukraine/87470-serbskie-vypuskniki-vmesto-pokupki-naryadov-otdali-dengi-bolnym-detyam-i-prazdnovali-v-futbolkah.html