In Nevada experienced vactrain Elon Musk
Hyperloop One company conducted the first test in Nevada accelerating the installation of the vacuum train project which offered the head of Tesla Motors Elon Musk. Linear motor dispersed "sled" to 168 kilometers per hour, acceleration up to a hundred kilometers an hour took one second.
While the "sled" (so-called booster installation developers) are tested in the open air - on the tracks, which can be found in the monorail transport system, or "roller coaster" of a new generation. By the end of the year Hyperloop One will conduct tests in a vacuum tube, which will disperse the "sled" up to 1200 kilometers per hour.
At the samples tested brakes were not set - so the engine of the future trolley had to slow down with sand. In Hyperloop One are now working on the creation of the brake mechanism.
As explained by the developers, overclocking settings will take only five to ten percent of the web. To train was moving with constant high speed, it is necessary that the distance between the points of the acceleration does not exceed 80 kilometers.
Hyperloop first idea was proposed by Elon Musk in 2013. The head of Tesla Motors and SpaceX said that he would not take part in the project, and subsequently in the development invested by other investors. They founded the company Hyperloop Tecnologies, which shortly before accelerating the installation of the test changed its name to Hyperloop One.

While the "sled" (so-called booster installation developers) are tested in the open air - on the tracks, which can be found in the monorail transport system, or "roller coaster" of a new generation. By the end of the year Hyperloop One will conduct tests in a vacuum tube, which will disperse the "sled" up to 1200 kilometers per hour.
At the samples tested brakes were not set - so the engine of the future trolley had to slow down with sand. In Hyperloop One are now working on the creation of the brake mechanism.

As explained by the developers, overclocking settings will take only five to ten percent of the web. To train was moving with constant high speed, it is necessary that the distance between the points of the acceleration does not exceed 80 kilometers.
Hyperloop first idea was proposed by Elon Musk in 2013. The head of Tesla Motors and SpaceX said that he would not take part in the project, and subsequently in the development invested by other investors. They founded the company Hyperloop Tecnologies, which shortly before accelerating the installation of the test changed its name to Hyperloop One.
Charming compact home for the budget
Engineers have developed a boiler, which heats and earning money