"What do you care, how old do I look ?!" Her post about standards of beauty Blew Facebook!
Canada's Annick Roibnson (Annick Robinson) returned home to Montreal after the conference. She was tired after the flight and is very anxious to see their children. It just was at the airport when she was approached by a consultant for the sale of cosmetics and started asking questions.
"He showed me a mirror and said to myself I looked." She was so furious that he said further, that she decided to share their opinions about it in Facebook.
In just a few weeks of its position was supported by thousands of women from around the world - 55 thousand and 42 thousand likes repost say that many do agree with it. Here is her story.
"Yesterday I was terribly tired. And I did not regret it.
I was at the airport and just headed for the door when this guy consultant provoked me to talk to him, handing free natural soap. But nothing is free in life today! At least, at airports ...
Then there was this dialogue:
Man: "Your skin has a natural look, you no make-up, right?»
I am. "Um, yes»
Man: "Let me guess your age ...»
Me: "I look at his age - and it is quite normal»
. Man (not knowing how to respond to this answer): "Let me show you our series of face. If you start to care for a person now, the wrinkles on your face will be much deeper than already to 45 years, and then the makeup will not be able to help. »
Me: "What's wrong with that woman looks at 40 years old?»
Man: "Let's talk about the bags under the eyes and facial wrinkles. I can offer you a cream for the skin around the eyes, which will save you from the problems in 15 minutes. »
Me: "What's wrong with my eyes? At home I have a beautiful little baby, and I'm not getting enough sleep normally last 2 years, so I have bags under your eyes, and I am happy that they are there. My husband and I often laugh, hence wrinkles. It's all his fault. But he likes the way I look. I do not think I need your cream. »
Man: "Perhaps now you do not need, but for 50 years it will be too late to change anything. If you do not start to act now, the wrinkles will be so deep that the only help
operation. " Me: "What's frustrating is that the woman grows old? My husband and I are not just talking about how we will live and meet old age together, let this funny elderly couple with a bunch of wrinkles. My husband, too, is getting older, we all grow old. This is an integral part of
life. " Man (nervously glancing at the other passers-by, standing in front of his stall and hear the conversation): "Wait, if you are concerned about the price, I can offer a good discount - 3 cream for $ 199. It's cheaper than Botox! »
Me: "Do I look okay now, when I'm 45, and I will look normal when I will be 50 years, because there is nothing criminal in the fact that women age. Old age - a privilege which many deny. I do not approve of what you are trying to advertise your products instead of youth and aging blackens, turning it into a strategy
sales. " "After this conversation, I decided to do it right here a photo of your face wrinkled with bags under his eyes. This person loves my children and my husband, so, perhaps, it seems even with him in this form. »
After receiving thousands of comments and responses Annick published a few more words.
"I am grateful to everyone for their support, but I want to clarify. My post does not glorify the natural look without makeup, he was not that hurt me the word consultant guy just doing his job. My post about the beauty industry, which earns millions, forcing women to hate their looks and it is the natural aging process. Let's change these imposed stereotypes, because women have a lot more important things to do than sit around and nervously count their wrinkles! »
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"He showed me a mirror and said to myself I looked." She was so furious that he said further, that she decided to share their opinions about it in Facebook.
In just a few weeks of its position was supported by thousands of women from around the world - 55 thousand and 42 thousand likes repost say that many do agree with it. Here is her story.

"Yesterday I was terribly tired. And I did not regret it.
I was at the airport and just headed for the door when this guy consultant provoked me to talk to him, handing free natural soap. But nothing is free in life today! At least, at airports ...
Then there was this dialogue:
Man: "Your skin has a natural look, you no make-up, right?»
I am. "Um, yes»
Man: "Let me guess your age ...»
Me: "I look at his age - and it is quite normal»
. Man (not knowing how to respond to this answer): "Let me show you our series of face. If you start to care for a person now, the wrinkles on your face will be much deeper than already to 45 years, and then the makeup will not be able to help. »
Me: "What's wrong with that woman looks at 40 years old?»
Man: "Let's talk about the bags under the eyes and facial wrinkles. I can offer you a cream for the skin around the eyes, which will save you from the problems in 15 minutes. »
Me: "What's wrong with my eyes? At home I have a beautiful little baby, and I'm not getting enough sleep normally last 2 years, so I have bags under your eyes, and I am happy that they are there. My husband and I often laugh, hence wrinkles. It's all his fault. But he likes the way I look. I do not think I need your cream. »
Man: "Perhaps now you do not need, but for 50 years it will be too late to change anything. If you do not start to act now, the wrinkles will be so deep that the only help
operation. " Me: "What's frustrating is that the woman grows old? My husband and I are not just talking about how we will live and meet old age together, let this funny elderly couple with a bunch of wrinkles. My husband, too, is getting older, we all grow old. This is an integral part of
life. " Man (nervously glancing at the other passers-by, standing in front of his stall and hear the conversation): "Wait, if you are concerned about the price, I can offer a good discount - 3 cream for $ 199. It's cheaper than Botox! »
Me: "Do I look okay now, when I'm 45, and I will look normal when I will be 50 years, because there is nothing criminal in the fact that women age. Old age - a privilege which many deny. I do not approve of what you are trying to advertise your products instead of youth and aging blackens, turning it into a strategy
sales. " "After this conversation, I decided to do it right here a photo of your face wrinkled with bags under his eyes. This person loves my children and my husband, so, perhaps, it seems even with him in this form. »

After receiving thousands of comments and responses Annick published a few more words.
"I am grateful to everyone for their support, but I want to clarify. My post does not glorify the natural look without makeup, he was not that hurt me the word consultant guy just doing his job. My post about the beauty industry, which earns millions, forcing women to hate their looks and it is the natural aging process. Let's change these imposed stereotypes, because women have a lot more important things to do than sit around and nervously count their wrinkles! »
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He Freed the Whale from the Net for 5 Hours, But Never Expected the Animal to Do It
She came to visit a friend in hospital, but was impressed by what he saw in the House!