"Petersburg cats» Vladimir Rumyantsev will win your heart!

Vladimir Rumyantsev - one of the most popular artists of St. Petersburg. He became famous thanks to his cats. The artist has participated in many exhibitions across the country, his work can be seen in eight of museum collections in Russia, in private collections in Germany, USA, Great Britain, Finland and Sweden. The pictures dedicated to cats, full of good humor and taste. These cats - not for nothing that they live in the cultural capital - sometimes wander at Bruegel paintings, drink tea, like kustodievskie widow and friends with Alexander Pushkin. Petersburg under the kind look of the cat eye becomes mysterious and fairy-tale town: sphinxes come to life, and the angels fly from heaven ... But the simple pleasures are not alien to cats: they like fishing and football
Website in. delighted with these clever muzzles!
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via ivynbee.com/beauty/yumornye-peterburgskie-koty-vladimira-rumyanceva.html
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