Ironic guide to contemporary art for dummies
Contemporary art is intriguing, because it is not easy to understand. We do not say nothing of how hard they enjoy, especially the unprepared viewer. But the deal still want, is not it? The site publishes a small cheat sheet on contemporary art, where the illustrations - the works of famous painters and sculptors. Forgive us connoisseurs and critics, it is rather a joke, and perhaps our own attempt to organize and remember everything.
< 1. If you see colored squiggles and spots like an artist with a running start, and from the heart lyapa paint, it is abstract expressionism
2. If the toilet bowl, brick, excavator, garbage, and other boring things, but they were put under the glass and gave abstruse explanation, it conceptualism
3 The same toilet, but without any explanation - ready-made. The artist just took the bowl and put it on a pedestal, and all the clever nod: Yes, well, we understand. And we understand, and that's not clear
4. When seen in the picture looks like a bad dream, it is likely to surrealism. In general, we are talking about "surrealism" - see Dali
5. When it seems that the artist blatantly faked by issuing a photo of the painting, it hyperrealism. And if all wet and naked, so do not hesitate to
6. Someone took a picture from a glossy magazine and clumsily painted in Paint, and when a little bolder, redrew the comic? And poisonous flowers? Well, that's exactly pop art
7 If you are asking yourself: it's some kind of magic or am I just drunk, bursting my eyes? Be sure that this op-art (still an option, you still waved before the meeting with the art)
8 If something tells you that the artist as a child was five for plotting, be sure - before you a picture in the style of constructivism < br>
9 If the artist playing the piano upside down cake dancing in costume winds itself python and lies at the center of a burning star - in general has been customary for themselves chores, but in front of everyone, it is called a performance
10 Happening -. Almost the same as the performance, only with the participation of the audience. And he had no script and no one knows where it will lead fun
11. You enter a room where there are chairs with nails, and they sit mannequins with suffering on the face - do not worry, it's installation. In short, it is a work of art in which you can enter and touch all there
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-hudozhniki/sovremennoe-iskusstvo-dlya-chajnikov-1051910/
< 1. If you see colored squiggles and spots like an artist with a running start, and from the heart lyapa paint, it is abstract expressionism

2. If the toilet bowl, brick, excavator, garbage, and other boring things, but they were put under the glass and gave abstruse explanation, it conceptualism

3 The same toilet, but without any explanation - ready-made. The artist just took the bowl and put it on a pedestal, and all the clever nod: Yes, well, we understand. And we understand, and that's not clear

4. When seen in the picture looks like a bad dream, it is likely to surrealism. In general, we are talking about "surrealism" - see Dali

5. When it seems that the artist blatantly faked by issuing a photo of the painting, it hyperrealism. And if all wet and naked, so do not hesitate to

6. Someone took a picture from a glossy magazine and clumsily painted in Paint, and when a little bolder, redrew the comic? And poisonous flowers? Well, that's exactly pop art


7 If you are asking yourself: it's some kind of magic or am I just drunk, bursting my eyes? Be sure that this op-art (still an option, you still waved before the meeting with the art)

8 If something tells you that the artist as a child was five for plotting, be sure - before you a picture in the style of constructivism < br>


9 If the artist playing the piano upside down cake dancing in costume winds itself python and lies at the center of a burning star - in general has been customary for themselves chores, but in front of everyone, it is called a performance

10 Happening -. Almost the same as the performance, only with the participation of the audience. And he had no script and no one knows where it will lead fun
11. You enter a room where there are chairs with nails, and they sit mannequins with suffering on the face - do not worry, it's installation. In short, it is a work of art in which you can enter and touch all there

via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-hudozhniki/sovremennoe-iskusstvo-dlya-chajnikov-1051910/
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