Contemporary art for the "Dummies"
Contemporary art is intriguing, because it is not easy to understand. We say nothing about how hard they enjoy, especially the unprepared viewer. But the deal still want, is not it?
Website was little cheat sheet on contemporary art, where the illustrations - the works of famous painters and sculptors. Forgive us connoisseurs and critics, it is rather a joke, and maybe our own attempt to organize and remember everything.
1. If you see colored spots and squiggles, as if the artist with a running start and heartily lyapa paint, it is Abstract Expressionism
Jason Pollock, «№ 5". This is the most expensive painting in the world, sold for $ 140 million. Typically, instead of the name of abstract paintings at the number or first come to mind words such as "juice Car number 689".
Pollock painting. Here, by the way, you can feel them.
2. If this is the toilet, brick, excavator, garbage, and other boring things, but they were put under the glass and gave abstruse explanation, it is conceptualism
Damien Hirst, "For the love of God" (platinum skull with diamonds shows the triumph of religion golden calf). Joseph Beuys, "The chair with a fat" (which is an attempt to "merge with nature mystical shaman level").
3. The same toilet, but without any explanation - ready-made
Marcel Duchamp bought a urinal in the store (in another version, found in the trash) and put under the name of "Fountain" and under the pseudonym «R. Mutt »(fool). Incidentally, it was sold for $ 1 million-plus.
4. If seen in the picture looks like a bad dream, then it is most likely Surrealism
Salvador Dali "The Persistence of Memory»
Jacek Yerka, "City lands»
5. When it seems that the artist blatantly faked by issuing a photo of the painting, it is hyperrealism
6. Someone took a picture of a glossy magazine, and clumsily painted in Paint, and when a little bolder, redrew the comic? And poisonous colors? Well, that's for sure Pop Art
Works by Andy Warhol
Roy Lihnenshteyn, "In the car," Jeff Koons "Dog»
7. If you are asking yourself: this is some witchcraft or am I just drunk, bursting my eyes? Be sure that it is op-art (another option that you still waved before the meeting with the art).
8. If something tells you that the artist as a child was five for plotting, be sure - before you a picture in the style of Constructivism .
Dzhozes Albers, "The Adoration of the square," El Lissitzky, "The new man»
Poster Alexander Rodchenko
9. If an artist playing the piano upside down, dancing in the costume of the cake, and python wraps itself lies in the center of burning stars - in general deals with the usual chores for themselves, but in front of everyone, it is called performance
Tilda Siunton performance in "Wardrobe" embraces clothing, Joseph Beuys performance in "Coyote: I like America and America likes me" shut himself up for three days in a room with a coyote.
10. Happening - almost the same as the performance only with the participation of the audience. And he had no script and no one knows where it will lead fun.
Yves Klein playing the spectators in the paint and draw to the music of the orchestra.
11. You enter a room where there are chairs with nails, and they are sitting mannequins with suffering on the face - do not worry, it is install
Installation "on orbit" in the Museum Dusseldorf
Ilya Kabakov, "The Man Who Flew into Space," "Mirror Maze" in Hyde Park (London).
See also:
Painting for Dummies
Architecture for Dummies
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-hudozhniki/arhitektura-dlya-chajnikov-557955/
Website was little cheat sheet on contemporary art, where the illustrations - the works of famous painters and sculptors. Forgive us connoisseurs and critics, it is rather a joke, and maybe our own attempt to organize and remember everything.
1. If you see colored spots and squiggles, as if the artist with a running start and heartily lyapa paint, it is Abstract Expressionism
Jason Pollock, «№ 5". This is the most expensive painting in the world, sold for $ 140 million. Typically, instead of the name of abstract paintings at the number or first come to mind words such as "juice Car number 689".

Pollock painting. Here, by the way, you can feel them.
2. If this is the toilet, brick, excavator, garbage, and other boring things, but they were put under the glass and gave abstruse explanation, it is conceptualism
Damien Hirst, "For the love of God" (platinum skull with diamonds shows the triumph of religion golden calf). Joseph Beuys, "The chair with a fat" (which is an attempt to "merge with nature mystical shaman level").
3. The same toilet, but without any explanation - ready-made
Marcel Duchamp bought a urinal in the store (in another version, found in the trash) and put under the name of "Fountain" and under the pseudonym «R. Mutt »(fool). Incidentally, it was sold for $ 1 million-plus.
4. If seen in the picture looks like a bad dream, then it is most likely Surrealism
Salvador Dali "The Persistence of Memory»

Jacek Yerka, "City lands»
5. When it seems that the artist blatantly faked by issuing a photo of the painting, it is hyperrealism
6. Someone took a picture of a glossy magazine, and clumsily painted in Paint, and when a little bolder, redrew the comic? And poisonous colors? Well, that's for sure Pop Art
Works by Andy Warhol

Roy Lihnenshteyn, "In the car," Jeff Koons "Dog»
7. If you are asking yourself: this is some witchcraft or am I just drunk, bursting my eyes? Be sure that it is op-art (another option that you still waved before the meeting with the art).

8. If something tells you that the artist as a child was five for plotting, be sure - before you a picture in the style of Constructivism .

Dzhozes Albers, "The Adoration of the square," El Lissitzky, "The new man»

Poster Alexander Rodchenko
9. If an artist playing the piano upside down, dancing in the costume of the cake, and python wraps itself lies in the center of burning stars - in general deals with the usual chores for themselves, but in front of everyone, it is called performance
Tilda Siunton performance in "Wardrobe" embraces clothing, Joseph Beuys performance in "Coyote: I like America and America likes me" shut himself up for three days in a room with a coyote.
10. Happening - almost the same as the performance only with the participation of the audience. And he had no script and no one knows where it will lead fun.
Yves Klein playing the spectators in the paint and draw to the music of the orchestra.
11. You enter a room where there are chairs with nails, and they are sitting mannequins with suffering on the face - do not worry, it is install
Installation "on orbit" in the Museum Dusseldorf

Ilya Kabakov, "The Man Who Flew into Space," "Mirror Maze" in Hyde Park (London).
See also:
Painting for Dummies
Architecture for Dummies
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-hudozhniki/arhitektura-dlya-chajnikov-557955/
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