10 life lessons that can be learned from the Buddhist teachings

Buddhism is one of the world religions and has billions of followers around the world. Like any other religion, Buddhism is distinguished by its extraordinary wisdom and infinite dimensions philosophy.
We are in the Website think we can learn a lot from Buddhist teachers.
Be generous to others.
"Learn to give, even if they have little».
"If you light for someone lamp is ostvetit and your way».
"The alienation lies the world's greatest anguish, compassion is the true power».
"Thousands of lights can be lit from a single candle, and it does not shorten its life cycle. So happiness is never reduced if share it with others. " Get rid of attachments.
"No jewel in the world can compare with the true sense of the Awakening».
"The pain comes certainly suffering as we choose».
"The root of all suffering - desire».
"All the material things are impermanent, who understood this wisdom, suffer less." Look inside yourself for answers.
"No one can save us but ourselves. You must pass this way himself ».
"There are only two mistakes we can make along the road to the truth: to stop halfway and did not start the journey».
"It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. It will be your own victory. No one can assign it to yourself. " Find your way to harmony.
"Imagine if everyone in the world is a wise man. Each of them has something to teach you and help ».
"Just as the mountains are indifferent to the winds, and the sage is indifferent to praise or blame." Defeat your ego and liberate the soul.
"Conquer yourself harder than anybody».
"Wear your ego like loose clothing».
"The mind that is resistant to the vagaries of fate, free from contamination and fear - the great treasure».
"There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. " Release feelings of hatred, resentment and fear.
"Ray infinite love to the entire world, in all directions, across the board, without evil and without hostility».
"Such is the nature of things: can only truly enjoy free of remorse man».
"You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger».
"If the problem can be solved, why bother? If the problem can not be solved, the excitement will not do you any good. " Live here and now.
"If you can see the miracle of life in minute detail, your whole life will change».
"The past is already gone, the future has not yet arrived. There is only the present moment, to live ».
"Every morning we are born again. What we are doing today - is the most important thing. " You write their own destiny.
"Clean thoughts depends on you. No one can cleanse the thoughts of another ».
"You yourselves must strive toward the goal, the Buddha only points the way." only eat the right food.
"Each person creates their own health or disease." Do not resist reality.
"The world is suffering from death and decay. But the sage is not sad, because to understand the nature of the world ».
"You can lose only what to cling." Website Materials powerofpositivity
via www.powerofpositivity.com/10-life-lessons-can-learn-buddhist-teachings/