When the children grew up and left bed

Children grow up very quickly, yesterday he cute nozzles in the cradle, and today protects diploma. There remains a lot of things from my childhood which throw a pity and give none. Here and cots are gathering dust on the balconies, garages and cottages
sofa / bench ulitsyFoto published ☀️❄️❤️⛰ ??? Snap: Helenemalene (@helenemalene)
May 10, 2014 at 9:00 PDT
Outdoor bench - an essential attribute of any garden or summer house. And yet such a small sofa will look great in the hallway.
Children ugolokFoto published Creative Ideas And Solutios (@creative_ideas_and_solutions)
March 8, 2014 at 11:05 PST
Children love tents, tents. Therefore, if your child has grown out of the cot, but still has a small, arrange a corner, let him play, and on top - additional storage space
Children stolikFoto. published Kenzi Delaney (@kenzidelaney)
December 20, 2015 at 11:57 PST
If your baby time to accustom to school, you can make a batch for the future of the student.
Slate doskaFoto published Rebeca (@blackpearlupcycled)
September 3, 2014 at 11:27 PDT
slate - a little more complex product than the others, but it looks cool, and most importantly - exclusive, no one will not be a
headboard for krovatiFoto. published Sabrina (@sabrinaatl)
November 4, 2015 at 3:28 PST
Was cot - became quite a double
Work stolFoto published Laurel Riffle (@laurel_riffle)
. April 19, 2015 at 9:12 PDT
Couple simple manipulations -. And here you already have a table in the garden
KalitkaFoto published ✨Julie Edwards✨ (@ mamaofboys)
August 29, 2014 at 12:43 PDT
This gate can be done if the house has small children or pets. No one will escape
VeshalkaFoto published HowDoesShe -. Blog (@howdoesshe)
October 12, 2015 at 7:30 PDT
can on a hanger to hang clothes, magazines, jewelry.
Organizer for posudyFoto published Amber Schaffer (@ rebmarose27)
November 6, 2013 at 1:18 PST
By the same principle, you can organize the storage of utensils in the kitchen.
Children krovatkaFoto published Adriel Booker (@adrielbooker) January 13, 2014 in 4:31 PST
It sounds absurd, but a cot can make a new baby crib! What? Children grow up very quickly, they will not save enough beds. Here's a cute can be done to an older child, she is also a bunk - there can accommodate twins
. Preview: © Jill Wilhelm / I Know the Plans I Have for You
via iknowtheplansihave4you.blogspot.ru/2012/03/crib-turned-craft-station.html