Arab wisdom post

East - it's warm colors of narrow streets, the hot desert sun, very beautiful dresses and women peacefully reaching caravans
Website gathered for you the examples of Arab wisdom that enclose the ancient knowledge and the golden rule. morality.
When you speak, your words should be better than silence. The army of sheep led by a lion win an army of lions led by a sheep To deny mistakes -. a double mistake Smart understand if wink, and a fool -.. if the push a reasonable woman adds sugar into everything she says to the man, and removes salt from anything that man tells her. One produced the experience is more important than seven wisdom rules. gentle words and kindness may be in the balance . lead elephant The winds blow not as ships want If you become a hard place - be patient.; if you become a rock -. Beat Who is looking for a friend without faults, he remains one The continuous sunny days give rise to desert .. If evil has risen next to you, sit motionless. it is impossible to understand the time without movement. If your soul has remained at least one flowering branch, it always sits singing bird . After winning pride, man becomes enjoyable. Having overcome anger, it becomes fun. Having overcome the passion, he becomes successful. Having overcome greed, he becomes happy Best lord -. Someone who knows how to command a If you're afraid -. Do not tell me if you said - do not be afraid . The victory shows that people can and defeat - what it's worth. Do not open the door, which you can not close. Men who do not forgive women their little shortcomings, never enjoy their great virtues. If you are entrusting their secrets to the wind, not measles him for what he opens their trees. If you can not reach all should not give up the part.
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