KG Jung: The universe favorable to a person and always encourages his good intentions
Fairy Cinderella story often repeated in reality. Biographies of many celebrities hit the incredible transformation of the facts, which reveals the exact meaning of the saying "from rags to riches." Such lucky called favorites of fortune, considering that all of their achievements are reduced to the ability to be in the right place at the right time. But all is not so simple. As a rule, most of the "luckiest" spends a lot of time and effort to carry out the dream.
Desire, features and sync
Psychologists believe that miracles happen only in the lives of those who have managed to prepare a fertile ground for them. With this has been completely agree and the famous student Fred Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung.
He developed the theory of synchronicity, the essence of which is as follows. If a person is something very much wants and is working towards its goal, then his fate necessarily occur the events leading to its achievement. And at first glance they may seem random and completely unrelated to the dream. But over time, all converge at one point as if by itself. That is going to happen ordinary miracle.
For example, a bank employee wants to be a poet and a long time to write the poem "on the table". One day he receives a firm decision to show their creations to the present writer, but among his friends does not. Two days later, a novice poet accidentally meets an accomplished writer and use it to publish his first book. Yes, the meeting with the writer was happy, but not accidental, but a manifestation of synchronicity. After all, it would not have cost, if the poet had not labored a dream come true.
success So, to synchrony mechanism to work, it requires three important components, completely dependent on the person -. Dreams, goals and work
This should be the most powerful and bright desire at the mere mention of which mood rises. And you need to think about it without fear. And if nothing comes to mind, it is possible to do this exercise. It should answer the question: "What would you do if you had a magic wand?". The answer will be found, no matter what in this situation, this seems an impossible dream.
The purpose and plan.
Clear formulation of objectives and a few points relating to its achievement, the desire to tie the ephemeral reality. There is no need in thinking through the means of implementation dreams. Take care of them, life itself.
Dreaming and planning is not enough. We must act. Even if the goal is very far, you can always make some small step for its implementation. That is, by deciding, you need to take action here and now to the best of my ability. For example, wishing to go to Paris, you can just sit and view a photo of this wonderful city, but it is better to issue a passport, learn some French and learn all the nuances of recreation in the city. It is likely that after some time, life will present a surprise - the plane tickets to Paris
. Jung believed that the universe is kind to person and always encourages his good intentions. But the dream is not enough just to have a goal. It is important not to lie on the couch, and a lot of work in the right direction. Then circumstances will certainly help to achieve the desired.
Desire, features and sync
Psychologists believe that miracles happen only in the lives of those who have managed to prepare a fertile ground for them. With this has been completely agree and the famous student Fred Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung.

He developed the theory of synchronicity, the essence of which is as follows. If a person is something very much wants and is working towards its goal, then his fate necessarily occur the events leading to its achievement. And at first glance they may seem random and completely unrelated to the dream. But over time, all converge at one point as if by itself. That is going to happen ordinary miracle.
For example, a bank employee wants to be a poet and a long time to write the poem "on the table". One day he receives a firm decision to show their creations to the present writer, but among his friends does not. Two days later, a novice poet accidentally meets an accomplished writer and use it to publish his first book. Yes, the meeting with the writer was happy, but not accidental, but a manifestation of synchronicity. After all, it would not have cost, if the poet had not labored a dream come true.

success So, to synchrony mechanism to work, it requires three important components, completely dependent on the person -. Dreams, goals and work
This should be the most powerful and bright desire at the mere mention of which mood rises. And you need to think about it without fear. And if nothing comes to mind, it is possible to do this exercise. It should answer the question: "What would you do if you had a magic wand?". The answer will be found, no matter what in this situation, this seems an impossible dream.
The purpose and plan.
Clear formulation of objectives and a few points relating to its achievement, the desire to tie the ephemeral reality. There is no need in thinking through the means of implementation dreams. Take care of them, life itself.
Dreaming and planning is not enough. We must act. Even if the goal is very far, you can always make some small step for its implementation. That is, by deciding, you need to take action here and now to the best of my ability. For example, wishing to go to Paris, you can just sit and view a photo of this wonderful city, but it is better to issue a passport, learn some French and learn all the nuances of recreation in the city. It is likely that after some time, life will present a surprise - the plane tickets to Paris
. Jung believed that the universe is kind to person and always encourages his good intentions. But the dream is not enough just to have a goal. It is important not to lie on the couch, and a lot of work in the right direction. Then circumstances will certainly help to achieve the desired.