10 varieties of tea for true gourmets

Tea - is the whole world. Really enjoy it, feel its magic only in silence, not thinking about anything extraneous, sipping slowly on a small sip of the magic drink and looking at how it is poured into the cup.
That's what we Website have tried the most unusual varieties. And you suggested.
Genmaicha, tea or rice

Green tea is transformed by the addition of brown rice. It gives the tea flavor roasted barley. And the extraordinary energy value. That's why light yellow drink was a favorite of the poor Japanese people
Features brewing: water - about 80-85 ° C, while insisting - 3-5 minutes (depending on the desired. fortress).
Thai blue

Exotic blue decoction of the flowers of the clitoris as a box with a secret: if you add the lemon juice, the color gradually becomes crimson and undistinguished taste exquisite acquire viscosity and acidity. Rumor has it that improves vision
Features brewing:. with boiling water at the rate of 7-10 flowers per cup, push up to 3 minutes
Water hermit

He "Narcissus" and "Water Spirit". Chinese tea noble cognac color with golden reflections. The strong aroma enveloping everyone hears that close: caramel, cocoa, fruits, flowers ... Rich taste reminiscent of bitter chocolate
Features brewing: can withstand up to 5 zavarok, the first - up. 10 seconds later intervals can be increased.
Milk oolong 40,684,705
Manufacturers from the mountains of Taiwan seeking its features - light creamy notes - by treating already collected leaf extract milk. It is considered a natural remedy for weight loss and rejuvenation
Features brewing:. is best revealed in a porcelain dish, you need to sit for 60 seconds
Green pearl, or Gunpowder

Tightly twisted tea leaves are similar to pearls (according to the Chinese) and powder (in the opinion of the British). Once in the water, it forms a fancy yarn. And gradually revealed in taste from herbs and cereals to fruits. Beneficial effect on the thyroid gland
Features brewing:. You can not use hot water, the first welding merges, allowing rinse tea
Red tea with taste lychees

Tropical fruit lychee - in other words, the Chinese plum. Its juice during drying sprayed tea. From its exotic aroma and sweet taste, which are similar to blackberries or raspberries. Strengthens the immune system
Features brewing:. exposure time ranges from 5 to 60 seconds, but first tea "wake" (first poured the tea leaves, tea dust from scraping)
Honey orchid

The name reflects the deep flavor. Bouquet brewed drink - it spices, southern flowers, berry sweetness. He had a long happy aftertaste. But the services of adherents of a healthy way of life - a wealth of vitamins
Features brewing: «long-playing" tea (can withstand up to 10 zavarok), after each shake spilling
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Turkish tea

Sweet drink based on floral-fruity blend. Find it and you can hibiscus (his, by the way, is used in the preparation of Hibiscus), and sweet apple and pear slices. One of the cleanest types of tea. Astringent and very strong.
Features brewing: Only a double-maker - chaydanlyk (bring to a boil the water of the lower section, and then poured into the top, adding the tea leaves)
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Ivan tea

Nature's pantry, known since ancient times. However, tea is only conditionally. Prepared from the eponymous herb, which contains almost all useful for a person of the periodic table. It is famous not only good taste, but also a huge number of medicinal properties
Features brewing:. to pour boiling water, steeping time - 10-15 minutes after its expiration need to mix the contents without removing lid.
Mate or Paraguay tea

If you want to feel like an Indian, this is the surest way. Drink Latin America is rich in caffeine, so it's great tones. Tasty, but not in the conventional sense - a sort of bitter sweetness. Or sweet bitterness. It's not the same for everybody.
Features brewing: the mixture is poured into a jug-calabash 1/3, first moistened with water (no more than 80 ° C), and only then filled completely (pre-inserted in a special brew tube-Bombilla).
Photos on the preview: TinnaPong
See also:
A simple guide on how to brew tea vkusnyuschy
15 things you did not know how to drink tea
How does a cup of tea in different countries
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