About eternity

< cinico

When ochnus of dreams,
with a hand outstretched in the porch,
when I feel on top of the head
touch of the Mother of God,

When on the verge of exhaustion
from the hands of your naemsya fill -
I learn to ask for forgiveness,
mentioning the name of the Lord.

I will learn, according to the rules,
not comprehend such a fate,
I learn seem righteous,
accomplished little folly;

And as a sacrifice
you throw a coin at his feet,
and fight in small battles,
small feats accomplished ...

When I was by the will of the Almighty
pogryaznee in the truths of parchment,
I learn to sit under the roof,
pleased fortress foundation.

When the wicked die impurities
blood tramp and hermit,
I learn to sit on a leash,
pleased with the strength of the collar.


See also

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