10 films about modern relationships

modern relationship - this challenging and interesting phenomenon. Today, in the age of technology, all kinds of freedoms and a variety of stereotypes, love and friendship are quite different meaning than in the days of our parents.
< Website offers a list of 10 films about relationships today .
love, Rosie love, Rosie

The film that is no friendship between a girl and a guy. This controversial topic is relevant at all times. The creators of the picture turned out nice life story about two friends, one who did not understand each other, and were afraid to talk because of his youth. Then their lives are actively bred, but not always the old feelings fade. All this makes me think how important it is to talk, rather than waiting for someone to guess and understand you without words.
Men, Women & Children Men, Women & amp; Children

The main purpose of the film - to show how the Internet has changed the concept of relationships, family values and communication in general. The gulf of misunderstanding between parents and children, between partners and friends has become so common, that it is necessary to pay attention to this public. The film is a deep, to ponder, not for entertainment. And for the "infected" internet of young people - is a must for viewing
Brooklyn Brooklyn

This picture of how difficult to make the correct decision in his youth, especially when brought up in severity, religious, no one to consult, no phones and frank conversations with his mother. If you've ever had to make hard choices and deal with doubts about its accuracy, it will be interesting to watch this movie.
128 heart beats per minute We Are Your Friends

This is a cute musical film about the creative development of a simple guy who has outstanding musical talent. Addressed here and the theme of relations: whom to choose - one single or a crowd of fans. Or how to change the relationship of friends when one of them becomes successful. But watching it is not highly recommend a quiet family night, as close to the end you'll be dancing, and then want the club - it is without doubt
Destruction Demolition

The expected pattern of this year. Motivating a film about how to start a new life. At the main character's wife is killed. To make sense of his life and his feelings, he decides to philosophize hammer: literally destroy and break everything to build themselves and their lives anew. The film starts in May.
Friends Les deux amis

Easy and beautiful French drama about a love triangle starts on our screens at the end of March. The film is about two best friends, one helps another to achieve the heart of a girl. But the girl has a secret, carefully guarded by her ...
Love Love

This is perhaps the most honest film about love in the world cinema. The director is probably the first time so close explores this topic, undeterred by the most stringent methods of shocking. Love the protagonist - is a painful passion, digging out after a slight suspicion of treason and being output in response infidelity
Carol Carol
. The film looks stylized old Hollywood, but do not expect him to an old-fashioned stiffness - a graceful form of hiding the full life and drama content. This is a movie about a beautiful, sincere, but forbidden love. Does the surrounding society to tell us who and when to love? If you refuse from their feelings, following the unwritten statutes, if you sacrifice a while?
Colonia Dignidad Colonia

The film turns the stereotype on its head: his heroine rushes to save her lover who is in a secret torture center "Dignidad". To view necessarily be an expert in history, but rather to love Emma Watson, which played a major role here. Perhaps this is the last chance to see her on the big screen in the near future, as the actress has announced a break in the filming for the work for the benefit of feminism. The picture at the box office on March 31.
Big splash A Bigger Splash

The bored rock star hiding from the world on a luxury Italian villa with her husband. But suddenly joined by her friend producer, part-time lover, with his cute daughter. But this is not a light comedy about the tangled romance on vacation, and standing on the four conversational drama about how unbearable to be in a situation where all confused. Starting in rental from 12 May.
In the preview picture from the movie "Brooklyn», Wildgaze Films
via www.wildgazefilms.co.uk/
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