Love - this is not the sighs on the bench, and mutual responsibility.

Love - this is not the sighs on the bench, and mutual responsibility. It is just what (especially in males) in the "civil marriage" is not. In one (by the way, completely secular) magazine read: "For a woman," civil marriage "- the illusion of family, and for men - the illusion of freedom" ... People want to have a family, home, love each other, but the cult of debauchery, pleasure and irresponsibility sucked many. People are trying to find happiness in "civil marriage" and did not find it. This is just a way to escape from reality, relax and forget what true happiness is possible only when the couple completely trust each other, love and meet each other before God and all the people.
Soul mate - is the one who has the keys to our locks, and whose locks fit our keys.
Every woman wants to see next to a strong, confident, courageous man, responsible, strong and self ..