15 useful sites for anyone who loves to sing

Singing - a great way to relieve tiredness, cheer yourself up and finish the day on a positive note. < Website has decided to gather useful sites for those who love to sing, and absolutely does not matter where and how the campaign.

Online Karaoke

  • Karaoke.ru - karaoke club with a large selection of songs of different styles and in different languages ​​and convenient search. You can sing in musical scores and arrange a competition with your friends
  • Karaopa.ru -. Online Karaoke with alphabetic search both on domestic and on foreign performers
  • Freekaraoke.ru -. Karaoke -service with a predominantly domestic songs and concise navigation
  • Wikihow.com/как-петь-чисто -. tips for those who want to win a karaoke contest and sing like a pro ul>. Minus and lyrics

    • X-minus.org - a large collection Minus (phonograms without the solo vocal / instrument part), texts and songs. This service allows you to change the tone of backing tracks and download them without registration
    • Mp3minusovki.com -. Minus is a portal where you can free videos to download them. A large collection of Russian artists, there are also foreign
    • Minusovki.mptri.net -. Site that allows download minus one song or lyrics. Registration is not required
    • Amalgama-lab.com -. With a large resource and the actual collection of foreign lyrics and translation
    • Lyrsense.com -. Site with texts and translations of songs from English, French, Italian, Spanish and German. Next to the text displaying video clip or a live performance of the song. It is convenient to learn and sing
    • Muzland.ru -. Service, where you can find not only the lyrics but also the guitar chords for different keys. Domestic performers significantly more foreign
    • Audacityteam.org -. Is a program that allows you to make the song minus one, if you can not find ready-made. Make it very simple, just repeat the steps in the instructions on YouTube.

      resources to create songs

      • Musicshake.com - generator melodies, allowing to create a 10-track best-selling style of nearly 1, 5 minutes
      • Recordingstudio.bz -. online recording studio, offers a set of background music of different genres with which you can record your song
      • Song-lyrics-generator.org -. text generator songs, band name or song based on a favorite artist, and keywords. An amusing interpretation of well-known songs in English
      • Wikihow.com/Write-a-Song -. Article in English with practical tips on how to write a song

        via www.wikihow.com/Write-a-Song