Penguin swims 8,000 km to meet his savior
Few people know, but in Brazil is prohibited to keep wild animals as pets. But in spite of these restrictions, each year a little penguin named Dindo arrives in Brazil to his friend, whom he met in 2011.
One 71-year-old fisherman, Joao Pereira de Souza found on the shore of a dying penguin. He took him to his home, cured and called Dindo. After some time a penguin swam away in an unknown direction, but what a surprise it was the old man, when the following year, he saw him again. Now Dindo visits his savior every year
«Everyone said that he will not return, but now he arrives to me every year," -. Says Joao.
to see his savior, penguin swims every year about 8000 km.
Now most of the year Dindo lives in Brazil with Joao and the rest of the time spent at home, off the coast of Argentina and Chile.
«I love him as his own child, and I'm sure he loves me"
Biologists say they have never seen anything like it. Most likely, the penguin believes that Joao - his family.
According to the materials: boredpanda
Translation and adaptation of the Website
via www.boredpanda.com/man-saves-penguin-returns-swims-5000-miles/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=BPFacebook
One 71-year-old fisherman, Joao Pereira de Souza found on the shore of a dying penguin. He took him to his home, cured and called Dindo. After some time a penguin swam away in an unknown direction, but what a surprise it was the old man, when the following year, he saw him again. Now Dindo visits his savior every year
«Everyone said that he will not return, but now he arrives to me every year," -. Says Joao.

to see his savior, penguin swims every year about 8000 km.

Now most of the year Dindo lives in Brazil with Joao and the rest of the time spent at home, off the coast of Argentina and Chile.

«I love him as his own child, and I'm sure he loves me"

Biologists say they have never seen anything like it. Most likely, the penguin believes that Joao - his family.

According to the materials: boredpanda
Translation and adaptation of the Website
via www.boredpanda.com/man-saves-penguin-returns-swims-5000-miles/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=BPFacebook