Holy week. Great Heel Day
Great Heel DayIt is dedicated to the remembrance of the condemnation to death, the suffering of the Cross and the death of the Savior. In the divine service of this day, the Church, as it were, stands at the foot of the Cross of Christ. On the morning of the Great Heel (it is served on Thursday evening) read 12 Gospels of the Holy Passion – 12 passages, which tell about the betrayal of Judas, the trial of Christ and the Crucifixion of Christ.
Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh Before us is a picture of what happened to the Savior out of love for us. He could have avoided all this if only he had retreated, if only he wanted to save himself and not complete the work for which he came. Of course, then He would not be who He really was. He would not be God’s incarnate love, he would not be our Savior; but what a price does love cost? Christ spends one terrible night face to face with the coming death; and He struggles with that death, which comes upon Him inexorably, as man struggles before death. But usually a person simply dies defenselessly; something more tragic happened. To his disciples, Christ had previously said: No one takes my life; I give it freely. And here he is free, but with what horror he gave it. The first time he prayed to the Father, Father! If it can pass me, let it blow! and fought. And the second time he prayed: Father! If this cup cannot pass me, let it be. And only for the third time, after a new struggle, could He say: Thy will be done... We have to think about this: it always seems to us, or often, that it was easy for Him to give His life as a God who became man; but it is He, our Saviour, who dies as a man: not by His deity immortal, but by His human, living, truly human body. And then we see the crucifixion: how he was killed by a slow death and how he surrendered to torture without a word of reproach. The only words He spoke to the Father about the tormentors were: Father, forgive them, they do not know what they are doing. On Good Friday morning, the Royal Clock is served. Liturgy on this day does not happen - out of reverence for the Calvary sacrifice, once offered on the day of the Great Heel by the Son of God Himself. This is the day of great sorrow, and the day of great sorrow.
At the end of the Vespers of Good Friday, the ceremony of taking the Shroud of Christ with the image of His position in the tomb is performed, after which the canon about the crucifixion of the Lord and the weeping of the Most Holy Mother of God is read, then the believers are attached to the Shroud with the singing of tropars.
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
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Source: www.pravmir.ru/strastnaya-sedmica-kalendar-i-infografika/

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh Before us is a picture of what happened to the Savior out of love for us. He could have avoided all this if only he had retreated, if only he wanted to save himself and not complete the work for which he came. Of course, then He would not be who He really was. He would not be God’s incarnate love, he would not be our Savior; but what a price does love cost? Christ spends one terrible night face to face with the coming death; and He struggles with that death, which comes upon Him inexorably, as man struggles before death. But usually a person simply dies defenselessly; something more tragic happened. To his disciples, Christ had previously said: No one takes my life; I give it freely. And here he is free, but with what horror he gave it. The first time he prayed to the Father, Father! If it can pass me, let it blow! and fought. And the second time he prayed: Father! If this cup cannot pass me, let it be. And only for the third time, after a new struggle, could He say: Thy will be done... We have to think about this: it always seems to us, or often, that it was easy for Him to give His life as a God who became man; but it is He, our Saviour, who dies as a man: not by His deity immortal, but by His human, living, truly human body. And then we see the crucifixion: how he was killed by a slow death and how he surrendered to torture without a word of reproach. The only words He spoke to the Father about the tormentors were: Father, forgive them, they do not know what they are doing. On Good Friday morning, the Royal Clock is served. Liturgy on this day does not happen - out of reverence for the Calvary sacrifice, once offered on the day of the Great Heel by the Son of God Himself. This is the day of great sorrow, and the day of great sorrow.
At the end of the Vespers of Good Friday, the ceremony of taking the Shroud of Christ with the image of His position in the tomb is performed, after which the canon about the crucifixion of the Lord and the weeping of the Most Holy Mother of God is read, then the believers are attached to the Shroud with the singing of tropars.
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
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Source: www.pravmir.ru/strastnaya-sedmica-kalendar-i-infografika/