"Bow tie" or DANGER bulging belly.
"A person who spends all day in a chair while working at the table, you may experience pain in the back, as the extensor muscles are constantly reduced.
The muscles of the waist, these people will be very hard and taut as a bowstring, they will bend the lower back arch.
Belly with bulges forward.
As a result of such deflection posterior segments compress the posterior portions of the vertebrae the intervertebral disk, which in turn, being elastic protrude forward, pushing in the spine.
This gives rise to pain and constantly tired back muscles.
Hurt is muscle, not discs or nerves, as is commonly believed.
At the trough of the spine stomach bulges forward automatically.
Common symptom among middle-aged men: "I sit on a diet and still can not cope with the bulging belly."
This protrusion of the stomach is an inevitable consequence of chronic contraction of the back muscles. "
Thomas Hanna "Somatic"
Rosemary, celery, lettuce and green onions on a window sill;)
10 major diseases that are treated hemp