Chlorophyll - the best foundation for a drink BEAUTY

Today I want to present a product that has tremendous value to the human body - chlorophyll. Another c ancient times, he served as a magical healer of people.
When I was traveling around Thailand, it noted that there are at every turn sells drinks with chlorophyll from the Japanese manufacturer Beauti Drink, designed to cleanse the body. There they are called "beauty drinks", a rich assortment of: Beverage with fiber, collagen, with coenzyme Q10 ", L-carnitine, with lutein. Asians constantly drink them, and how long they retain their youth known to all!
One can not help asking: "Why is there no such products in Ukraine and the CIS?" It's absolutely amazing and healthy drinks
! Now I have always at hand the remarkable beauty drink with mint flavor from concentrated chlorophyll by Now Foods, but it later.
So what is chlorophyll?
The chlorophyll - a green pigment in plants, the basis of all the vegetable world, it contains more light energy than any other element. Chlorophyll is often called "green blood" of the plant world, which serves as a protein. Chlorophyll performs photosynthesis, i.e. absorbs sunlight energy and converts it into energy life. Chlorophyll is also called concentrated energy of the SUN, which is getting into our bodies, causing resonance and youth movements.
chlorohyll-hemoglobinNo most surprising is that the chlorophyll molecule is almost identical to the hemoglobin molecule! The only difference is only one atom in the center. At the center of hemoglobin - iron atom in chlorophyll - magnesium atom
! Hemoglobin (consisting of heme and globin) is a pigment, a coloring of red blood cells in the red, in the same way as does the chlorophyll green plants. The consumption of chlorophyll is similar to a blood transfusion for improvement, and it is absorbed by the body instantly and effortlessly.
The similarity of their chemical properties explain the action of chlorophyll in the human body similar to the action of hemoglobin. From this output, we have major beneficial properties of chlorophyll - the saturation of our blood with oxygen and nitrogen metabolism acceleration. But the acceleration of nitrogen metabolism - is to increase the rate of excretion by-products of cell activity, ie purification of the whole body. All the rest - a consequence
. Chlorophyll stimulates our bodies and our life-support system.
To describe all the healing properties of chlorophyll, I would have to write a whole book.
So I made a list, which contains only a few, and the most basic functional properties:
Activating the function of the circulatory system for the transportation of oxygen to the cells of the body and the removal of metabolic waste products.
Alignment of the acid-base balance (pH) in the body.
Elimination of unpleasant odors (bad breath and body odor). He can remove the smell of garlic, tobacco, spirits.
Improving the functioning of the lungs and liver
Asthma Relief
Relieves sore throat (pharyngitis)
Anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal action
Improving the functioning of the kidneys, prevents the formation of calcium oxalate stones. It has a diuretic effect
Improving the condition of arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
Slowing down the aging process
Improving the functioning of the intestines, supporting healthy microflora, stimulating peristalsis.
The detoxifying properties - neutralizes and removes toxins from the body, removes excess
drugs Fight against insomnia (difficulty falling asleep)
The antioxidant effect neutralizes free radicals
It has antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic properties, preventing the alteration of DNA molecules and the appearance of tumors.
Facilitates regeneration of tissues and accelerates the healing of wounds, erosions and ulcers
Improving the functioning of the thyroid gland
Increasing the number of red blood cells (erythrocytes), improvement
anemic conditions Increased metabolism
Strengthening the immune system, increasing the body's resistance
menstrual problems It increases milk production in lactating women.