At age 18, she weighed 120 kg and continued to gain weight. But once her patience is exhausted

not know what was the original cause, but for several years of his life before the 18th anniversary of Conner Rensch just did that ate. She ate everything and could not sustain and hours without a snack. Brought to despair, she finally decided that it will be enough. < Website tells the story of a girl, which could be reduced by half in just two years of work on oneself. Perhaps it will serve as an example of someone motivated and inspired, because often it seems to us that the goal is unattainable, while just do not have faith in yourself!
First Conner called upon to help a dietitian and fitness trainer. Following the recommendations of professionals gradually led to the result, which she could not achieve on their own.

To lose 60 kilograms - is you do not joke! The result is incredible!

To begin with there was a girl no longer harmful products and started exercise classes. She was "prescribed" kickboxing, cardio, and weight training.

Agree, for the sake of such a result was worth to sweat?

For the first three weeks have brought a significant result: weight decreased by as much as 10 kilos. This inspired Conner to continue a healthy lifestyle ...
Weight continued to leave, and eventually she broke up with all the excess weight and visibly more beautiful. A training captivated her so much that in the end she herself chose a career as a fitness trainer.

From 120 kilograms remained exactly half - now Conner weighs 60! Inspired by this success, the American started his blog in Instagrame. In 2015, the first time she dared to show their photos in bikinis. At present, it has over 50 thousand followers!
In memory of obesity in women remained a giant-sized clothes, as well as pronounced stretch marks on the abdomen. Conner said that this is a great reminder of how far she could go through ...
She herself says that major changes have occurred not with her appearance ... More importantly, she was able to change in their own mind, namely to accept and love yourself.

Today Conner adheres to a sensible diet combined with regular workouts. She, however, said that does not forget to pamper yourself occasionally arranging a "fasting days on the contrary" and eating something tasty.

via fishki.net/1852463-shokirujuwie-foto-21-letnej-devushki-pohudevshej-na-60-kg.html