The story of a Father, whose son was a moron.
They came together. Husband and wife. First time I have. I'm tired (5th consultation), hungry and this, for some reason, calm and imperturbable.
- The first time I have a psychologist! - Says the man irritably. Nodules go. All the guise of "What the hell." - My wife persuaded
! - And
- Which ?! Son with us. I have. Moron! - Inflamed he
. - Blockhead - a psychiatric diagnosis - I say wearily. - Your son is in this sense a moron
? The man looks at me already, as debilka. Then he looks at his wife with a mute question: "You to whom I led, finally ?!»
She cringed, sits on the edge of the chair, she removes her eyes. Hands clamped between his knees.
He frowned in annoyance, he turns to me, silent. So do I. It does not stand up. Even more angry.
- Here you train like a psychologist, right? Hmm. Well, tell me then, what do I do with it?
- Who
? - With
son! - What about him
? Man rounds eyes, surprised at my stupidity and inability to read minds. Again, turning to his wife with the expression: "Where were you this fool found?" But his wife experienced fighter, sitting without looking up, and only by how pale her face, I understand - all the power she had gone out to bring her husband to me.
- He does not see the shores, you know. Jerks. 14 years old, and behaves as how ...
- How
- Come home. After work. Boots are in the middle of the mat. I told him: "Do you even know how to anything in this life? Boots at least a place to put. " A hundred times told him, put shoes on the side, so there is a moron, do not understand anything. Everything in your life gets easy. Phone's broke. Do not appreciate. Not divided by anything with me. Mother out rude. House does nothing. All words, as the wall peas. No shame, no conscience. And that's how, how to behave with him ?! How to find a common language. You did a psychologist, well, so be advised !!! You have a recipe?
- Yes, - I answered, breaking all canons of psychological counseling
. - And the decision has
? - Yes, - I stunned by his audacity even more
. You see, there is an algorithm psychological counseling. Especially the first one. And I was taught that the first meeting - a collection of information, the query definition, the establishment of contact. Neither of which no speech therapy. Especially about any whatsoever decision. What's gotten ... me
- Do I understand correctly that you do not know how to talk to her son and can not find a common language with him
? - Well, yes, said the
! - There is a solution, it is very simple. But I do not know whether you will cope with it - with absolutely genuine doubt I say
. - Well? Speak!
- This is not to say it is necessary to make
. - What do something
- How to name your son
- Anton
. And then I'm Greyhound (colleagues will understand me, what I mean), take out a sheet of paper, a marker writing on it "son Anton, 14 years old," put in a distant office corner and offer the man to present his son, standing on this list.
- Happened? - I ask
. - Yes
- And now slow steps go to the sheet, stand on it, log in to the image of his son, and they become
. With a clear doubt on his face, he does it. He closes his eyes.
- Now tell me what you feel
? - Loneliness terrible. Tears in her throat. Crying want.
- From what
? - From resentment. All twitch, shpynyayut. That is not so, it is. I do not want to live. I like some freak for all.
- For whom all
? - Well, for all
. - For whom
? -. Well, father
- And what would like him
? - To once praised. Asked how the matter. In order not to shout. To ... I am just a man to be proud of me.
- Inhale and exhale go sight
. Man in silence suited to a chair and sits down. Silence. A woman wipes her tears.
- I understand everything - suddenly he quietly almost in a whisper. - Got it. I myself also feel small. And from one poprёki father. Now I do the same. I understood everything. Thank you.
His eyes are green and his wife. Clear. And his ears any good, touching ...
18 minutes still lasted. For the first time in my life.
< Ekaterina Savinova
: Storyfo.ru
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