Top Model Miranda Kerr reveals beauty secrets

Miranda Kerr acknowledged that would be donuts, if not kept themselves in tight rein. "I was a child Pukhlikov", - notes mannequin, whose fees may even envy her fiance Orlando. "When I announced that I would be a model, all raised me laugh.

Even on the Internet you can find a few photos of my school years, which confirms my words, - convinces the actress. - My dear body - this is my way of life and to follow the commandments of healthy eating. As a diet I chose the power supply system according to blood group. I've got it, by the way, "A". But now I want to move to a more complex diet - raw food diet. " Top model admitted that before this important decision eaten almost raw food, such as: fresh juices for breakfast, lunch and dinner, or replace them with fresh fruit and vegetables. "I usually eat fruit salad: just large pieces of different fruits without delicious sauces of yogurt, ice cream and sugary syrups, - says the star of the catwalk. - I also eat raw vegetables in salads. And I do not salads seasoned with spices and salt. Just spoon extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice. "

Speaking about the new style of life - a raw food diet, fashion model noted that raw foodists - these are not necessarily vegetarians. Many people eat meat, fish, milk and eggs, are not subjected to thermal treatment. However, Miranda feels an extreme enough to eat raw meat and dairy products, as fears of contracting parasites.

Miranda St.Bars 2010 «One of the main rules of raw foodists - you need to eat only tiny portions and fresh food. You can not cook in store, and eat the food several times. He Cook - and immediately eaten. Nothing remains later. Cooked food not stored in the refrigerator, and certainly not frozen fresh fruit and berries, "- says the supermodel