30 sites where you can find creative work

Many talented people have to look for the "normal" (as a rule, uncreative) work to provide a more or less tolerable standard of living. But in this situation there is a way! If you feel that the work - this is the meaning of your existence, but think that it will not be able to make a living - do not despair, because there are many ways to build a career on his vocation
Website strong. > publishes a list of resources to help you find a job like
work in sulture -. vacancies in the field of culture. If you are looking for a job in a gallery or museum - you exactly here Yesjob -. Creative center vacancies. From it should start the day designers and PR Work in the field of art -. Group on facebook Theory and Practice -.. See "Features» Diktory - suggestions for speakers, career on radio and TV. This is only a little, but there are some very interesting position Revision -. Vacancies for designers Cinemotionlab -. Position on television and in the movies. Solid resource Artwork people -. Work for creative people Pro tv -. TV job Mamarazzi -. Offers for journalists <. 3D Journalism - vacancies, scholarships, competitions, master classes for journalists illustrators -. offers for illustrators Kinokrug -. work in the film . Rabota v kino - film work. Vacancies on the set of Kinodelo -. Work in film, theater and TV Show-media-art -birzha creative work.. Sometimes it seems that it hangs and is not updated, but then burst so that the stop Massovki -. Shooting, castings. While you are in search of work dreams, you can sit in the crowd a couple of hours and earn 500-1500 rubles Birza-truda -. Auditions in film and television projects as extras TV. cast - auditions in TV projects Soyuz speakers Russia -. work for speakers Range -. remote creative work for SMI -. Agents often announces job in the media, a lot of offers for freelancers I can choose -. the work in the field of design and media can be found here Galima HR -. interesting proposals in the field of advertising, public relations, design . and architecture Mediajobs - official "monster" in the media market. The main disadvantage: there is no direct contact of employers. Grintern - in addition to vacancies there are still many options for paid internships in leading companies ARTGUIDE -. Sometimes there appear interesting creative job Jobs for good people. - portal with the widest range of positions in Moscow Jobs for good people -. the same site for the St. Petersburg Dreamwork spb -. another library of interesting jobs in St. Petersburg
Sources: thequestion, jobs for good people
Preview: Philippe Halsman
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