Story of O fools, Moshe, who laughed all over Classmates

The new teacher came into the classroom, he found that one of the boys teased Moishe Fool. During the break, he asked the children why they did so name-calling.
- Yes, it is really a fool, Mr. Teacher. If you give him a large coin in five shekels, and ten small, it will select the five, because he thinks that it is more.
Here, look ...
A guy gets two coins and offers Moshe choose. He, as always, chooses five. The teacher was surprised to spraschivaet:
- Why did you choose the coin at five shekels, not ten
? - Look, she's more mister teacher
! After the lesson, the teacher came to Moshe.
- Do not you understand that five shekels more than just size, but ten shekels, you can buy more
? - Of course I understand, Mr. Teacher
. - So why did you choose five
? - Because if I choose ten, they stop giving me money
! : Storyfo.ru
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