20 useful tips that will save time when cleaning
Site offers you a list of municipal councils, how to keep the house clean. These tips are short and simple, will significantly reduce the time that you normally spend on cleaning! To cranes remained chistymi
to chrome surfaces as long as possible remained clean, wipe them with wax paper (paper for baking). And you'll see that began to spend cleaning the bathroom a lot less time.
Cloths shvabry
Often zateesh cleaning and cloth mop is already worthless. In order to once again not to spend time on the trip to the store, you can use terry socks.
Clean forms vypechki
Rub a baking table salt, then wipe with a paper towel - the dough is easy to depart
plate looked like novenkaya
. To no longer bothered spots, stripes, stains and fingerprints on stainless steel, simply wipe the surface with a cloth soaked in olive oil, and remove the excess with a clean cloth.
Get rid of stains on divane
Mix 1 tbsp. l. soda, 1/3 cup vinegar, hot water (not boiling), 1 tbsp. l. washing powder, and this mixture to remove the stain. Soda will help refresh - sprinkle a thin layer of dry upholstery and leave for several hours, then vacuum baked-
Wash skovorodu
. Fill the bottom of the pan with water, add 1 cup of vinegar, bring to a boil. Remove from heat and add the baking soda, the mixture will no longer hiss, drain the water. If dirt remains, gently wipe the surface of the soda.
To Glassware blestela
Glasses and glasses will be perfectly clear, if to wash them in water acidulated with vinegar or rub with salt, then wash and not wiping, allow to drain water.
Clear kofevarku
Fill the coffee machine equal parts vinegar and water. Turn on the cooking cycle, half ready, turn off and try again. Then run 2 cycles with clean water.
To dust does not settle on polkah
Dampen a rag to wipe the dust fabric softener. Dust will settle half on the shelves, and you - half as often to wipe her
Wash cup of naleta
. In the Mix equal parts vinegar and water and pour a cup of this mixture. Give them a way to stand for about an hour. Plaque from the tea and coffee is easy to wash off ordinary sponge.
Clean utyug
Take a wooden cutting board, put on her parchment paper and sprinkle generously with salt. Turn on the iron, let it warm up, and then move a vigorous movements on the iron salt in a minute.
Simple remedy for the fungus in vannoy
For prophylaxis - 5 liters of water, add 1 tablet furatsilina and wash the walls. If mold is already there, dissolve 1 tablet in 1 liter of water. Do not forget to ventilate the room in order to avoid such cases.
Clean trubu
Mix baking soda and salt in equal parts, pour the mixture flow. Then pour vinegar. After 15 minutes, rinse with boiling water.
Whiten vannu
Mix 2 tbsp. l. soda and 2 tbsp. l. baking soda into a homogeneous mass and rub with a damp bath with this mixture. After 10 minutes, mix 50 g of vinegar and 50 g of bleach and put over the first layer. After half an hour rinse with plenty of water for a bath.
Get rid of the fat and burnt pieces pischi
Get rid of adhering pieces and frozen fat will help ordinary salt. Thickly cover the bottom of the pan with salt, add a little water. Leave for 10 minutes.
Wash the sponge and the grease gryazi
Pour into a plastic container 2 cups hot water and 2 tbsp. l. salt, stir, put it in the sponge and leave for the night.
Get rid of the soap stains on the walls dusha
To remove soap stains with transparent walls of the shower, take a damp cloth, rub her glass, then wipe them with a clean sponge and rinse with water.
Remove broken yaytso
The easiest way to remove the broken egg -. Thickly sprinkled with salt and leave for 15 minutes, then collect the remnants of a paper towel
to sink sverkala
It is enough to rub with salt and lemon shell surface. After cleaning, lemon crumble in a shredder waste. Shell will shine, and the kitchen - fragrant
get rid of odors and freshen divan
. To get rid of the smell of pets or simply freshen the furniture, add 10 spraying the essential oil of lavender or lemon drops, 1 tbsp. l. soda, 2 cups of warm water, shake and spray onto the fabric.
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-sdelaj-sam/20-hitrostej-kotorye-sekonomyat-kuchu-vremeni-pri-uborke-1179010/

to chrome surfaces as long as possible remained clean, wipe them with wax paper (paper for baking). And you'll see that began to spend cleaning the bathroom a lot less time.
Cloths shvabry

Often zateesh cleaning and cloth mop is already worthless. In order to once again not to spend time on the trip to the store, you can use terry socks.
Clean forms vypechki

Rub a baking table salt, then wipe with a paper towel - the dough is easy to depart
plate looked like novenkaya

. To no longer bothered spots, stripes, stains and fingerprints on stainless steel, simply wipe the surface with a cloth soaked in olive oil, and remove the excess with a clean cloth.
Get rid of stains on divane

Mix 1 tbsp. l. soda, 1/3 cup vinegar, hot water (not boiling), 1 tbsp. l. washing powder, and this mixture to remove the stain. Soda will help refresh - sprinkle a thin layer of dry upholstery and leave for several hours, then vacuum baked-
Wash skovorodu

. Fill the bottom of the pan with water, add 1 cup of vinegar, bring to a boil. Remove from heat and add the baking soda, the mixture will no longer hiss, drain the water. If dirt remains, gently wipe the surface of the soda.
To Glassware blestela

Glasses and glasses will be perfectly clear, if to wash them in water acidulated with vinegar or rub with salt, then wash and not wiping, allow to drain water.
Clear kofevarku

Fill the coffee machine equal parts vinegar and water. Turn on the cooking cycle, half ready, turn off and try again. Then run 2 cycles with clean water.
To dust does not settle on polkah

Dampen a rag to wipe the dust fabric softener. Dust will settle half on the shelves, and you - half as often to wipe her
Wash cup of naleta

. In the Mix equal parts vinegar and water and pour a cup of this mixture. Give them a way to stand for about an hour. Plaque from the tea and coffee is easy to wash off ordinary sponge.
Clean utyug

Take a wooden cutting board, put on her parchment paper and sprinkle generously with salt. Turn on the iron, let it warm up, and then move a vigorous movements on the iron salt in a minute.
Simple remedy for the fungus in vannoy

For prophylaxis - 5 liters of water, add 1 tablet furatsilina and wash the walls. If mold is already there, dissolve 1 tablet in 1 liter of water. Do not forget to ventilate the room in order to avoid such cases.
Clean trubu

Mix baking soda and salt in equal parts, pour the mixture flow. Then pour vinegar. After 15 minutes, rinse with boiling water.
Whiten vannu

Mix 2 tbsp. l. soda and 2 tbsp. l. baking soda into a homogeneous mass and rub with a damp bath with this mixture. After 10 minutes, mix 50 g of vinegar and 50 g of bleach and put over the first layer. After half an hour rinse with plenty of water for a bath.
Get rid of the fat and burnt pieces pischi

Get rid of adhering pieces and frozen fat will help ordinary salt. Thickly cover the bottom of the pan with salt, add a little water. Leave for 10 minutes.
Wash the sponge and the grease gryazi

Pour into a plastic container 2 cups hot water and 2 tbsp. l. salt, stir, put it in the sponge and leave for the night.
Get rid of the soap stains on the walls dusha

To remove soap stains with transparent walls of the shower, take a damp cloth, rub her glass, then wipe them with a clean sponge and rinse with water.
Remove broken yaytso

The easiest way to remove the broken egg -. Thickly sprinkled with salt and leave for 15 minutes, then collect the remnants of a paper towel
to sink sverkala

It is enough to rub with salt and lemon shell surface. After cleaning, lemon crumble in a shredder waste. Shell will shine, and the kitchen - fragrant
get rid of odors and freshen divan

. To get rid of the smell of pets or simply freshen the furniture, add 10 spraying the essential oil of lavender or lemon drops, 1 tbsp. l. soda, 2 cups of warm water, shake and spray onto the fabric.
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-sdelaj-sam/20-hitrostej-kotorye-sekonomyat-kuchu-vremeni-pri-uborke-1179010/
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