Australia plans to digitize themselves
Photo: NASA i>
What, if any event that happens in the country, will be recorded by the computer system? Moreover, all of this in real time, and the data will be available to all? Based on this idea, the Australian Government conducts scientific research, with long-term project and is designed for 10 years. As a result, the government wants to get a digital copy of the country.
Oznome - project, named for example Human Genome Project, which aims to become a "digital past, present and future of all" in the country to 2025. Young researchers with the data capture on the environment.
"As with the Human Genome Project, Oznome is much madcap idea, which many say is impossible", - says David Lemon, the head of the research team at CSIRO
In order to make the idea a reality, scientists are going to find a way to compile research data organizations, private companies and individual scientists. The goal - to understand how dependent some systems and phenomena from others, to determine the presence of possible links between the hydrosphere, the country's energy sector, agriculture, health and the economy.
If we manage to fulfill our plans, then Ozonme allow researchers to track the impact of climate change and the mining industry to supply the population of Australia, as an example.
Something similar is already being implemented in the US, there is a similar project called National Ecological Observatory Network. In Europe, too, has a similar initiative, called Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) .
In the future, data from the project can be used in complex prognostic models of the future.
The main problem at this stage of the project - to create a platform that allows to combine data streams from different fields, processing the data and to provide in an understandable for a person or a machine. One of the positive aspects of the project - if you succeed, this will allow significant savings - about $ 54 million a year just on the costs for information management research organizations. It also includes economy and in the research and evaluation of the effectiveness of the various works - up to 30% of the budget usually comes on these needs.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/270604/