thought process is continuous. We constantly reflect, solve challenging puzzles of life. Sometimes you want to help your brain to accelerate cognitive processes. How to do it? Try the following tips. Kofe
Caffeine helps you focus on labor-intensive tasks and accelerate cognitive processes. Of course, this tool will make more intelligent. Caffeine temporarily makes our brains work more efficiently. But do not drink the refreshing drink constantly. Coffee can help one body, but cause harm to others (eg, stomach). Vino
Scientists have proven that wine also accelerates cognitive processes due to the presence of antioxidants. But we must consider that this drink you can drink only in moderation. Then the wine have a positive impact on the brain, and general physical health. Sunny svet
The abundance of sunlight can be harmful to the skin, but not the brain. For example, watching the sunrise, a person involuntarily lifted the mood. The researchers also believe that higher levels of vitamin D (which is produced by sunlight) can slow down the aging brain. "Wandering Mind"
In order to "unload" your brain, you can make easy puzzles in your mind, surrender dreams, remember the interesting cases. After resting, the mind clears. Mental search predmetov
To search for a mental reason useful items. To raise the effectiveness of the lesson can be loud pronunciation of their own actions. Tantsy
Some studies have shown that dances and other examples of leisure activities reduce the risk of dementia. Such activities keep your body and mind in suspense, make quick decisions and to learn new behaviors. Eda
Not all the food is good. What can help the brain work? These are products that contain glucose, fatty acids, amino acids and antioxidants. Useful nuts, which have vitamin E. Experts advise there are blueberries, avocados, whole grains. Game tetris
The game of Tetris develops memory, improves response, ie, a positive effect on various cognitive processes. Physical uprazhneniya
Many people believe that bodybuilders and athletes are less intelligent than, for example, post-graduate students. However, studies confirm the positive effects that have exercise on cognitive function. But do not overwork, even regular walking will be useful. Golod
"A hungry student - good student" - say the teachers in universities. And for good reason. Researchers at the Yale School of Medicine conducted tests on mice and found that the more hungry individuals much better perform cognitive tasks.
Source: relax.ru/post/74431/10-sposobov-kotorye-pomogut-rabote-mozga.html?feed=new