Victoria Butenko, "How to make a green smoothie" (master class).
Victoria Butenko Lecture at the School of dry fasting and raw food Anna Jacob) "Dream».
Website Schools dry fasting and raw food "Dream»: http: //syhoegolodanie.com
Schedule of activities of the School of dry fasting and raw food "Dream»: syhoegolodanie.com/meropriatia
Online workshop "to starve with Anna Jacob»: syhoegolodanie.com/detox/onlin ...
Electronic book "Parasites and how to deal with them," "Dry fasting - the path to a healthy and happy life", "festive table. syroedny Christmas and New Year "," Complete cleansing of the body, "and others: syhoegolodanie.com/magazin
e-mail: annapost777@mail.ru
5 steps to a healthy raw food diet Mikhail Councils
Marwa Ohanyan raw foodists Conference - the most important lecture.