Dr. Robert Lockhart, 70-year-old from Australia fruktorianets.
Dr. Robert Lockhart, 70-year-old fruktorianets from Australia with 30 years experience, the interview for the Russians.
Inspiring interview with Dr. Robert Lockhart, naturopathy, chiropractic doctor, fruitarian with more than 30 years of experience, especially for the Russian-speaking audience.
Woodstock Fruit Festival, USA, August 2013
Dr. Lockhart talks about his life long experience fruitarianism and raw food, the cultivation of tropical fruits on their own plantations in northern Australia, and about how he feels 70 years and shows excellent physical shape!
Interview by: Alexander A. Narinyani
Video: Roman Buzinov

Inspiring interview with Dr. Robert Lockhart, naturopathy, chiropractic doctor, fruitarian with more than 30 years of experience, especially for the Russian-speaking audience.
Woodstock Fruit Festival, USA, August 2013
Dr. Lockhart talks about his life long experience fruitarianism and raw food, the cultivation of tropical fruits on their own plantations in northern Australia, and about how he feels 70 years and shows excellent physical shape!
Interview by: Alexander A. Narinyani
Video: Roman Buzinov

And there is nothing to whine about charging, since there is no engineering brooms
20 SMS with sparkling humor about everyday life of office workers