Telepathy as a channel of communication between people.
People are connected by invisible ties and it is a fact. We can recall a lot of situations. For example, you pick up the phone unconsciously, and at this moment to call you. The mother can feel the distance that her baby was in trouble. And that's a fact.
Or, for example, you think about a person, and he will immediately called. Or are you saying that the only thought in his mind the man next to you. There are many examples. Coincidence? No!
Science does not study the phenomenon of telepathy. Therefore, researchers tend to consider this phenomenon of coincidence.
But the Vedic teachings clearly characterize the phenomenon of telepathy. On the subtle plane between people there is an energy connection in the form of tubules. These channels transmit a lot - from sensations to thoughts and even images. What causes these same channels?
For example, when we are about someone we think is able to open a telepathic channel. As soon as we stop to think about the person, the link disappears.
Particularly sensitive, open to each other people who stuffed sufficient experience in telepathy, knowledgeable, able to tune in to each other, revealing a powerful telepathic channel.
They can speak without words, to pass information to each other.
And they need to do only silence and setup. The fact that many people are afraid that someone will be able to read their thoughts, learn what they are thinking.
It blocks the channel, and many cases of telepathic charged to chance and coincidence.
Many people are afraid to practice telepathy, arguing that fear of getting a negative experience from another person. But you get negative, if you are inclined to draw it to yourself.
In order not to attract negative, you must be willing to just a good man and good.
Wishing evil, do you resort to the negative and the ability to attract without any problems.
Outgoing positive - ideal protection from incoming negative.
Prayers and mantras in this regard great help.
It is important to wish happiness to others, not only because, to attract all the good and become a good ally, but also to your life and the life of the person it was good. Then you will be protected, no negative message of the world will not do much harm.
Do not be proud that you wish everyone happiness.
Do it mentally and in silence. What twaddle?
It is important that your links with other people were filled with kindness and love.
Then your life will be in no fairy tale! What reject is what you get!
From the Treasury of the Order "Ordo Basileus" .. ADAPTATION TO UNCERTAINTIES
10 laws in the relationship.