"As long as we are alive, we can fix it ..."

long as we are alive, we can fix it,
All realize repent, forgive.
The enemy will not take revenge, beloved not dissemble,
Friends that pushed, return.
As long as we are alive, we can look back,
To see the path from which descended.
From waking nightmares, push
From the abyss to which approached.
As long as we are alive ... Many eh managed
Stop favorite that went?
We simply do not have time during the life,
And ask forgiveness could not ...
When they go into the silence,
Back to where exactly no return,
Sometimes missing a few minutes
Understand - oh! - We are guilty!
And pictures - black and white movie.
Tired eyes - a familiar sight.
They have forgiven us for a long time
Because too few were there,
For unvoiced, non-meeting, neteplo.
Not the person in front of us - just the shade ...
How much has been said not,
And it is not about that, and not by phrases.
Tight pain - guilt final touch -
Scratching, exhausts cold skin.
For all that we have done for them,
They forgive. We ourselves - we can not ...
Eduard Asadov
Photos in the preview: Jamie Jones
via jamiejonesphotography.com/?p=4502