Magic Stones and their properties.

Agate - a kind of layered chalcedony - long-staple cryptocrystalline quartz.
Agate - a symbol of health and longevity.
Medicinal properties:
Agate is able to help with many ailments. For therapeutic purposes, it is recommended to wear a stone with prolonged, protracted cough, sore throat and teeth. It was believed that agate protect against gout and prevent cramps, increase potency, protect against infections and gastric diseases, contribute to the normalization of gastric acidity, as well as the detoxification of the body.
It is believed that agate protect people from the effects of radiation.
In Indian Ayurveda agate suitable for children: it calms their fear dissipates and helps to start early to go.

Magical properties:
In Mongolia believe that yellow agate promotes vnetrenney Qi energy and gives confidence. Lamas was common belief that this stone casts of the human body and from his home of evil spirits.
Agate - a talisman, bringing the ability to speak beautifully, to be agreeable, to make the right decisions to make right choices and actions, it strengthens the mind and makes one insightful.
Agatha protect its wearer from the machinations of enemies, protect against energy attacks and "vampirism".
It was believed that agate helps to maintain loyalty to the beloved one another.
In ancient Rome agate beads were placed in gardens to protect the plants.
It was believed that agate can protect its owner from a lightning strike and to save during the earthquake.

Effect on the chakras: Agate affect all the chakras, depending on their color.
Energy: receptive Yin (absorb energy).
Application for medicinal purposes:
Contact doctoring wearing of jewelery (neck and hand bracelets, necklaces, beads), Chinese massage balls, work with the pyramid of agate.
Layered agate give to keep the patient in his hand, sometimes during illness, when thirsty, put in your mouth.
In protracted cough, sore throat it is worn as a necklace, for diseases of the teeth - in the form of earrings.
In gout, diseases of the joints wear agate bracelets.
When heart disease are with agate ring on the ring finger of his left hand. People suffering from insomnia, irrational fear and prone to tantrums are advised to wear products made of agate on the middle finger of his right hand.
Asthma, pneumonia and bronchitis gets rid agate brooch.
Contact name: Anatoly, Boris, Valery, Victor, Edward, Alla, Antonina, Irina, Nadia, Rice, Tamara.
Gemini; Yellow Agate - Taurus.
Element: Earth. But according to Indian Ayurveda agates contain elements of air, fire and air.
Communication with the planets: Mercury, Venus, Saturn, the Moon.