"As the internal and external worlds heightened awareness based on the ability to read and discern symbols, to recognize the significance of patterns and cycles, watching them. Symbols are the link between the field of being and consciousness. Symbols - is a way of empowering the field value. When you pay attention to the dance of subtle energies, the reality is changing, because your consciousness is introduced into it.
Your perception of event makes the device the fabric of reality to your expectations; When you direct your thoughts to experience new realities, you create a new awareness of the wave profile, which carries your intentions at the subatomic level and captures the corresponding probabilities.
The nature of your reality is replete with meanings. Your world is extraordinarily symbolic; characters express and reveal the great ideas. Your body - the symbolic reflection of your inner personality. It contains a map of highly energetic forces weave; lines on the palms of the hands, feet, eyes, facial structure, body shape, posture, way of speaking and moving - all of this vast array of information about who you are. Your individual style and writing you letters, astrological birth data and related numerology - all provide a deeper look into the intentions of those strata which you operate in the game of life.
In today's global culture, the most difficult aspect of the game of consciousness in the three-dimensional reality be necessary to forget that you are - being part of the field. You were forced to break ties with the other layers of reality, for some time to stand apart from its global identity, if anything at all do not know about the general plane of existence on a conscious level. Although there are many ways to play in the field being cut off from the awareness of the Higher "I" - of course, the situation is complex and difficult.
However, your Higher "I" continues to work with you by drawing a map of positive, meaningful possible realities, while at the point in which time is suspended. The more skill you reach in recognizing patterns in characters three-dimensional reality, the faster you learn to restore contact with their Higher "I", opening and activating new levels of sustainable codes of probabilities, the perfection of life.
Remember, the conscious mind - a powerful force; it penetrates into the reality overtaking your sensory cognition, affects both the physical matter, and the other layers of life. While part of your personality firmly focused on the present, consciousness on a subatomic level experiencing being as nonlocal - no walls, no boundaries between the space and time. Non-locality means being everywhere at once - omnipresence in existence - which is why your cells have pre-knowledge.
Every moment of life is important because it contains unsolved options; why you should always take full responsibility. In fact, you have to select the possible versions of reality as easily as shooting products from the shelves of the supermarket. Any and every potential decision you face creates a vortex of energy - the point of force, which are concentrated in anticipation of the potential reality of your choice.
Whenever you make a decision, you send your personal energy vortex to strengthen its own version of the world. When your mind is not burdened by negative thoughts and body functions in a state of optimal health, it is much easier to focus on the version of reality that you consciously chosen habitat. The ability to consciously choose to focus on the energy and the level of what you want, is a sign of the awakening of the mind.
When you make choices and guide thoughts with clear intentions, you actually configure their attention to a particular picture of reality - like a twist handle the radio, looking for a particular radio station. The intentions of this subject in the past and the future, since space and time can not hold a thought. In a more general sense, thoughts freely wander on the nonlocal Multiverse, creating a new reality in every moment of the past, present and future. New events can occur "at any time", each "now" is involved in the creation of new versions of itself.
You make choices and you always have that choice. Multiverse is in constant motion, trying to achieve the perfect balance in the maintenance and reinforcement of each of your site. One of the problems to be solved on the way to full consciousness, is the awakening of sensory awareness and its direction to the highest goal of life. You're not chained and sentenced to reality terminating end of the world - the reality is updated and re-selected each of you at any time - and you, dear friend, it would be wise to remember. »
Barbara Marciniak "Path of force"