Each person has his own will and the right to choose. We can do as we wish, but, nevertheless, often do things that are not peculiar to us. Say to yourself, to me something found or was not himself. Well if it does not happen often. And if not? Always do things that are not peculiar to us, it means that we currently do not belong, that we have someone or something controls. In this regard there are many interesting theories that shed light conspiracies, the spiritual world and the hidden possibilities of man.
According to Christian beliefs man's soul is a battleground honey forces of good and forces of evil. Being by nature immortal, it is a valuable source of eternal life, which some forces want to save, and to enslave others for their own purposes. Thus, a person is between heaven and hell, and by his actions and the outcome of his life will depend on where to get his soul. The demons also try to prevent this, and create different tricks to shower, seducing and corrupting them, it was easier to control the mind and lead a person to death.
The Bible says that a person is given a choice by which he chooses his own way of life, and then where will get in the afterlife. The best way to protect against the demonic forces are conscious choice to live a righteous life and do not deviate from it for a minute. Man must recognize the value of his soul, cherish it and to resist worldly temptations, which are networks scattered everywhere.
In the era of the availability of any information people are most attracted to the information that provides opportunities to influence others. For people with low self-esteem or big ambitions power seems the only tool that can bring pleasure into their lives. A victim of such greed are all who met him on the way. Different techniques create a suggestion in the minds of the breach. Access to the thoughts, actions and desires of man.
At the moment, mind control is no longer something supernatural. Everyone knows about hypnosis and how that influence human behavior, you can use a number of different ways. In a positive way it is used in medicine to treat mental disorders, and the rest is aimed at achieving personal gain. Mind Control is used for seduction, imposing unfavorable deals, suppress the will and manipulation. If you are the victim of a man who not only knows, but knows how to put into practice the mental effects, then you will do whatever he wants, without realizing it, that you are a victim.
At the moment, there is a perception that all the technology on effects on our minds during - all using the powerful government. Agree, easier to manage people, you can impose anything, than the one that is able to make informed choices.
In the book, a famous writer Colin Wilson described the theory of energy entities who are trying to use a person as a battery.
The author writes that these parasites are trying to work on our aura and influence thought and behavior, to take away our vitality. We are made of energy, and for them it is like a light in the darkness. They rush to us in the space of the invisible world of energy and are looking for pickings. If a person is in a good mood, it has a strong will and positive thinking, then they will not. That is why parasites are trying to provoke a man on the right for their way of life and thinking.
For a start, they are trying to instill a craving for bad habits: strong drinks, tobacco, drugs. Anything that adversely affects the body and mind and makes us weak, inhibits our will and ability to think clearly. And that is exactly what you need to parasites to penetrate deeper into our consciousness, and more control us.
Manifestations and consequences.
Each of the three variants of the influence on human consciousness can be traced certain similarities:
As manifestations:
- Frequent changes of mood;
- Condemnation of other disputes;
- Life loses its brightness, it seems gray;
- There is a feeling that you do not live their lives;
- Certain acts committed recklessly;
- Deteriorating health and constant fatigue;
- Duality of thought.
According consequences:
- Lost touch with family and friends, due to the fact that the person involuntarily repels itself from others, and eventually loneliness;
- A vicious circle, in which all of life is to go to meet the needs "of control»;
- Personality disorder and various diseases, thoughts of death and attempts to withdraw from life.
As you can see, the parasites of consciousness a threat that can not be underestimated and ignored. Our task is to lead a conscious life and do not go on about the various manipulators, thwarting their attempts in the bud. Protect your soul - so do not give in to the temptations that can make us vulnerable to any manifestations of evil.
The correct way of life, the desire for spirituality and positive thinking, here are three main components that will not allow parasites affect you. Take care of your soul, and control their thoughts, because if you do not do this, then this will someone else.
Wisdom is not self-limiting, not in the totality of austerity, but the balance