The three main laws of the universe.

To understand what is going on in your life, why come and go different people, how to build relationships with family and children, how to help someone change for the better, you need to know three very important laws of the universe, they will give you answers to many questions and help to shape a bright future.
The first law, a well-known:
Like attracts like
His inner state we attract into the outer life of the different events and different people!
Therefore, all women who want a husband this man - to become real women, women with a full range of qualities.
If you want people to think with your feelings, pay attention to the feelings lyudey.Odnim word - treat people the way you would like them to treat you.
If you want to be rich - stop walking on sales and social shopping are only attracts poverty.
And if you want to see a number of good people who love you - raking in a blockage of the negative and start thinking happily!
Among women, I often hear: "She has a husband-and-so of such-a kind, and it is very clean good girl," That's a lie! There is no such! So inside her live destructive programs that attract it. In the words of one of my teachers, Marina Targakova "You deserve a husband who you have!»
Among my clients it is, too often happens, I met a girl, looks very nice, kind, beautiful, she bought all the gifts and thought about all, but it is constantly tied inadequate men, it tried to rape her boys taunted her as they could! In the course of therapy and work with it, surfaced very powerful program of self-destruction and it is unconsciously attracted to itself all that was killing her. Conversely, when the inside of us, and an abundance of joy, even the last people begin to change around you and become more positive. Tune properly and the right people will go in your life!
The second law is also quite well-known, but a little smaller than the first:
SUCH produces like
In the Russian language there is a saying "Apple from apple-tree does not fall far," and that is true.
Any action produces a similar action, so for example if you have a bad attitude toward their parents, do not expect that the child will be good to you, even if you try to educate him.
What you create is your holographic copy and tend to behave like you.
When I worked as a coach in a business project Diamond Alliance, my business mentor to me even then very clearly said: "Teach only what is she doing! Because the business is such that subordinates fully replicate the style of the manager and if he layman, they are amateurs when it lazy, they are lazy, if he is honest, they will be honest. So the main thing is that you yourself represent themselves, not what you teach! »
So take a look at who you are and what you create! And what mood!
There is good news in connection with this law, if you are in a relationship began to behave in a feminine way, and sincerely happy to fulfill their duties, your partner, whatever it was, begin to behave like a man and take care of you. It is only a matter of time and your honesty with yourself.
The third law of a little-known but very important:
THAT CAN NOT BE A similar - rejects
If we became good - with good, we behave decently and kind to people, and someone in our environment can not achieve this - your communication stops, the universe takes it from you.
If you become feminine, loving, host, and her husband does not want to change, do not want to work, to develop, does not allow to bear children, the universe will make sure that it is very easy for the two of you will leave, and you will be attracted like you.
If you have to think positively and to seek spiritual and inner abundance, and your friend continues to "wash up all the bones" at a meeting and draw you in and it's a bad job, do not worry, soon the universe will give you new friends !!!
All you need to do - work on yourself and only on themselves!
This is the only chance to really make a difference in our lives !!!
Therefore, cleans the inside of the bad things and create the right frame of mind to life!
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