Zodiac Birds Books "exodus" of the new signs of the zodiac.
Space countdown clock began a new era - the Age of Aquarius, when there are global changes in space, changing all the energy spectra and interactions of material bodies. It began cleansing shower - sparks of the One Light sources, shower in all manifested forms. This time, called the Great Shift.
Wheel of Fate - the circle of the constellations of the zodiac animals 2,000 years in the era of Pisces reflected the evolution of the animal essence of the person, the manifestations of different personality traits.
11.03.2003 there was a final farewell to the era of Pisces and the onset of the Aquarian age.
20.05.2003 Lord Jesus, is responsible for the evolution of a shower in the Age of Pisces, the God Thoth passed his medallion Avatar of the Age of Pisces, which in the ring of 12 stars are depicted with rays of sun and crescent moon. On the Sun - the gem with profiles mother and father.
After the transfer of authority to the new God of the Aquarian Age, Aquarius with respect to the planet turned so that the water began to pour from the pitcher on the planet, bringing the total cleansing and changing the position of the continental plates. Start change in the figures of the constellations over Russia Aquarius can be seen in the form of a swan flying down.
Now the signs of the zodiac will depict birds or bird-man.
Aquarius launched Wheel of Life for the next 2,000 years.
The task of the Aquarian age avatar of the god Thoth - to unite mankind in the Common Religion, build relationships and flights to other planets of the World of the Worlds. In the era of the God Thoth people will continue to expand consciousness, will develop relationships with other civilizations on the basis of friendship, mutual understanding and love.
Zodiac birds (the arrangement of stars in the newly formed constellations, the new energy of their radiation) reflects the problem of the soul (the level of the God-man), and the task of the spirit (the level of the gods).
Each zodiac sign has its own task that is expressed through a person full acceptance of his fate, the manifestation of the divine qualities of the human soul.
Eagle - Capricorn report to the Goddess and God for the work of the other characters.
Swan - Aquarius indicates all people the way to the Light.
Duck - Fish will specify the plants in the water and fish needed to feed the people and places where minerals, stones and non-ferrous metals.
Owl - Aries will purify the soul from darkness, and help people to navigate at night.
Stork - Taurus will guard the purity of heaven.
Parrot - Gemini will transmit mother and father words of the people, and the people - the words mother and father.
Hawk - Cancer will teach people wisdom.
Pelican - Leo will be cleaned from the swamp creatures, do not carry the light.
Secretary - Assistant to the Virgin of the Eagle and the Owl, people passing information from them.
Crane - Libra patron of people in front of his mother and father.
Forty - Scorpio clears the nature of darkness.
Swallow - Sagittarius brings healing the souls of men.
Peacock - the thirteenth sign of the zodiac, zodiac Mother of the Gods. (Previously, it was the Dragon)