HOLIDAYS teach us to create. Hathor From Venus.

Before you start a dialogue with you, dear earthlings, we Hathors Venus as a greeting send you Fire Primordial Love, enfolding her whole earth and every one of you. Host of angels descend upon your planet to revive it with his divine singing. We Hathor, love you and wish you a speedy transition to the spiritual world. We are watching you, we rejoice in your slightest progress in raising the frequency of vibration of your consciousness. We feel and we feel like changing your Living Planet as it clears the aura and thin margins. Very little is left of your earthly time before the end of the quantum transition in the new world, which will please and surprise you. Harmony and beauty of this world will amaze you with its uniqueness and originality, as well as the completely different conditions of your existence and the new environment. And then you will be able to travel freely in time to other worlds and even to visit our hospitable planet. We have already begun to tell you about her, about her beauty, the joy that reigns in it, the Life - Holidays and admiration from all creations of the divine world. Our world has a spiritual gift to host and provide excellent conditions for accommodation all the Beings of Light. The grace, goodness, and allows us to Bliss, Hathor, be distinct from other forms of life and the existence of the Supreme Mind, we are united with all those who dwell on Venus. We are functioning in harmony with them, as well as the consciousness of the planet. We are the One Being of Light and galactic space, having constant contact with him, and energy exchange.
And now we want to tell you about a holiday that we have carried out, although there are weekdays which are also a kind of feast, because our life - is a constant creativity that brings joy and inspiration. The organization and preparation of any of the holidays we are involved throughout our friendly Family of Light. There is involved, usually the whole planet, in spite of its relatively large dimensions. Information about the beginning of Celebrations for instant telepathic communication extends to the whole of our civilization, as we are one in the Spirit and have a collective consciousness. And each of us contributes his mite, and a positive individual creativity in the preparation and holding of festivals, as it is their studies of our ever-evolving creative activity. We live in a subtle plane, we have light body that can change as well as the surrounding area, using thought forms as you wish. And the fact that we co-create our collective consciousness for a long time remains in the matrix of the planet, improving and reconstructing it in accordance with the Canons of Eternity. Next Festival brings back more than we have produced in perfect harmony and beauty. And this is done not only on our planet, but also transferred to other worlds in our galaxy that are configured on our vibration and frequency. This allows you to balance and harmonize the energies of many kinds of multilevel worlds, attuning them with Divine Love and Divine order.
Our world is very beautiful, it is joyful, Blessed and inspiration. High sound it allows many worlds attune with us and with the enchanting music of the spheres, which is constantly heard in the subtle worlds Outer Space. Your physical hearing is not set up to accept the Music of the Spheres, but there is a spiritual hearing and spiritual vision that after the transition to the world of the Spirit will give you the opportunity to enjoy the charming world in which we are living. We do not use words and speech, which exist in your communication with each other. We "sing" in your understanding, we sound and the use of high frequency sound vibrations corresponding to the Divine mood subtle worlds. And this sound and light that we are creating ourselves and the wonderful and exciting that is breathtaking in contact with the seen and heard in our world. And we do not stand still, we are constantly evolving to give something new to advanced and innovative of our planet and our neighboring galaxies. We are taught, and our hierarchy of light that is its multi-dimensional structures on the planet, such as Sanat Kumara, Jesus Christ, and others. Multilevel temple erected in their honor, never empty. Here are constantly conducted all sorts of Initiation and Initiation, a celebration of the most important events of the Subtle World. It also conducted training and Beings of Light not only planetary but galactic levels. All work and all work simultaneously and harmoniously, subject to a single Canons Eternity and trying to reunite with the Whole. Creator Himself helps us in all areas of life, and we appreciate it and thank Him for the opportunity to continue to grow and evolve creatively.
We are not constrained by the limits of the planet, we travel through different worlds and even outside this galaxy. Our life is very exciting and interesting as we are curious, peaceful and cheerful. Many worlds are opening its doors to us, to share their experience with us, and we at the same time help them to harmonize and healing sound and high vibrations, attuning them to the spirit world and the Divine Beauty. Here's a stunning alliance of energy between the planets, the solar system, constellations and galaxies allows all of us, the Family of Light, to live in peace, friendship and harmony, to create something new and wonderful that awaits you, dear earthlings in your near future. We, the Hathors Venus, look forward to you in the spirit world are constantly updated to reunite and become a single friendly Family of Light.
We continue to envelop your wonderful Living Planet Waves of Love and Harmony, as well as send the primeval energy in the heart of each of you.
See you in the spirit world and PervoLyubvi, all-loving Hathors from Venus.