10 amazing facts about the oils and how to use them correctly

site found that the active use of sunflower oil increases the risk of occurrence of Parkinson's disease and senile dementia, obesity, and cancer! "This is due to the high content of omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids, which have a weak the so-called "pro-inflammatory" effect - ie can provoke inflammation, especially in the brain
Arman left a high-paying job in a large company, to devote himself to medical practice and the production of its own line of high-quality oils. Website shares with readers a dozen of interesting facts about the omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids.
1. The most important for human health omega-3 fatty acids - alpha-linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic, docosahexaenoic. They can not be synthesized in our bodies, so they are called essential flaxseed oil
2. Linseed oil is almost half of the omega-3 fatty acids. It represented half of alpha-linolenic acid (essential). Our organism can synthesize small amounts of it the other two fatty acids. However, the presence of omega-6 fatty acid inhibits this transformation. That is, the use linseed oil must be properly, to get a therapeutic effect, can not simultaneously receive omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (eg, vegetable oil and flaxseed oil), and in an ideal amount of omega-3 should prevail of omega-6 in our diet. That is, the oil must be less.
3. In general, the oil can not be called organic if pressed at a temperature of 50 degrees and above. Optimally, if the oil is produced by a special technology at a temperature of 47 degrees. Check if the oil does not overheat in the production can be quite simple: if you open the bottle and smell of roasted seeds, you can not use this oil.
4. Recovery from many illnesses often begins with recovery liver thistle oil (thistle spotty). It is recognized and official medicine - for example, drugs Gepabene and CARS are based on the extract of this herb. Take the oil is a long time, months and years - 2-3 tablespoons a day. And it improves the general condition of the skin and joints. Very light oil, has no taste or smell - so drunk easily. Of the benefits - it is relatively inexpensive.
5. Walnut oil is not only rich in omega-3 and 9 unsaturated fatty acids, but also contains other substances that nourish our wonderful heart, blood vessels and brain. Holds the record for the content of natural vitamin E. However, it is worth remembering that it contains a lot of iodine - people with thyroid disease have to be careful with the reception of this oil, and it is important to consult your doctor.
6. Pumpkin seed oil - one of the natural anthelmintic. It holds the record for the content of zinc, which is important for skin, hair and nails, hormones, because no one molecule of protein can not be synthesized without organic zinc. It protects against infections and malignancies. And another important point: pumpkin seed oil - is "food" for the male prostate.
7. Oils can be taken all the time and all my life. For example, to mix more of the above oil in a salad. You probably consume all life sunflower and / or olive oil. So why not replace them with others better and more useful?
8. A special case is black cumin oil
9. The active ingredient cumin oil - thymoquinone. There is an interesting study: American scientists have studied the properties of different oils antimutogennye. For this, they were placed in petri dishes cell samples were added various antimutagens and oil and were exposed to mutagens. The cells mutate into cancer. By the end of the experiment the mutation occurred in all cups in all tissue culture other than the one where it was added to black cumin oil - the same thymoquinone. Its ability to remove and inactivate mutagens has been known for more than 60 years. Black cumin oil is able to protect us from exposure to chemicals and radiation. Therefore, if the patient is undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy, the physician should warn him that this oil can not be consumed: it negates the effect of drugs. But after - even necessary.
10. There is a misconception that our brain "love" carbs, but it is not. First of all, he needs fat
High blood glucose level triggers the process of glycation (accession sugar molecule protein molecule, whereby it acquires stiffness and lose their function). Glycation of proteins of the brain is one of the starting mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases (such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson).
Text Yaroslava Tareyeva source Zozhnik
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