12 most common mistakes in the care of a
Caring for yourself and your appearance is present in the life of any woman, regardless of age, lifestyle or beliefs. Even fans of natural beauty, never causing makeup, however, are not averse to emphasize lashes mascara and apply a moisturizing cream after a day on the solntse.I all - absolutely all of us, girls - make mistakes in the care of themselves. The thing is that we do not pay attention to some of the usual stuff - and it is in vain! < Website offers a closer look at the everyday things that we are doing wrong - in order to immediately correct and start doing everything right
Do not touch the face with his hands h3> Have you heard from childhood, but all the time we forget: you can not touch the face, especially in public transport and other public places. Infections with the bacteria and then the acne and inflammation - not least because of the bad habit of touching herself for the person. This can be done only in one case - if you have just washed your hands with soap
Do not comb wet hair h3> split ends ends there for one reason only - from mechanical damage. And in this respect there is no more dangerous enemy than the comb on wet hair! Carefully blot hair with a towel dry the hair dryer - only then can take up the comb. It is desirable that it was a comb with a few teeth.
Do not use scrubs too often h3> Scrubs - this is cool, yeah. Scrub gives an incredible sense of cleansing and freshness! But do not get carried away - regardless of the type of scrub, usually they are designed to use no more than two times a week - wash with scrub every night there is no need, you can disrupt the natural pH
Apply a night cream or mask h3> Why change the type of cream before going to bed? Due to the physiological features. Sleep - the time when the body is restored, recovery processes are faster, some hormones are produced that do not appear in the body during wakefulness
It is impossible to powder the face several times a day h3> The old grandmother's way to avoid oily skin shine face - often use the compact powder. You know the expression "go to powder nose"? That's it.
Do not "dried" oily skin alcohol! H3> Do you have oily skin and you use alcohol-based tonics and gels for washing to remove oily shine? A terrible idea. Our body is created in such a way as to maintain their integrity in spite of everything. Oily skin lubricant - the same part of the body, and the harder you wash it, the more fat develop into

Do not touch the face with his hands h3> Have you heard from childhood, but all the time we forget: you can not touch the face, especially in public transport and other public places. Infections with the bacteria and then the acne and inflammation - not least because of the bad habit of touching herself for the person. This can be done only in one case - if you have just washed your hands with soap
Do not comb wet hair h3> split ends ends there for one reason only - from mechanical damage. And in this respect there is no more dangerous enemy than the comb on wet hair! Carefully blot hair with a towel dry the hair dryer - only then can take up the comb. It is desirable that it was a comb with a few teeth.
Do not use scrubs too often h3> Scrubs - this is cool, yeah. Scrub gives an incredible sense of cleansing and freshness! But do not get carried away - regardless of the type of scrub, usually they are designed to use no more than two times a week - wash with scrub every night there is no need, you can disrupt the natural pH
Apply a night cream or mask h3> Why change the type of cream before going to bed? Due to the physiological features. Sleep - the time when the body is restored, recovery processes are faster, some hormones are produced that do not appear in the body during wakefulness
< Night's Skin tool is designed to work at night And believe me, feeling soft, refreshed skin in the morning after the mask -. It is something
Another point. Night's Skin funds should be applied to one and a half to two hours before bedtime, and not just before bedtime. Especially this advice is relevant for ladies over 30 years old. By the time you go to sleep, work on the regeneration of the skin is in full swing, it will help avoid nasty "wrinkles" on the linen on the face in the morning due to lack of collagen.
It is impossible to powder the face several times a day h3> The old grandmother's way to avoid oily skin shine face - often use the compact powder. You know the expression "go to powder nose"? That's it.
This way of dealing with a gleam in our times is obsolete, as it does not lead to anything good. Several layers of powder clog pores, does not give the skin to "breathe" and moisturize, stimulate the formation of black spots.
Often use matting napkins - they clean the skin, and if the need for powder still retained - can be a little powder
Do not "dried" oily skin alcohol! H3> Do you have oily skin and you use alcohol-based tonics and gels for washing to remove oily shine? A terrible idea. Our body is created in such a way as to maintain their integrity in spite of everything. Oily skin lubricant - the same part of the body, and the harder you wash it, the more fat develop into
But if the fat is too much - its development in the body will decrease. Use oil under a night cream - a special cosmetic or normal - to your skin "decided" that fat is already quite reduced and its production
In this article, Website told what the oil, as well as from the use of any problems: 10 amazing facts about the oils and how to use them correctly
Blockquote>The neck, ears and neckline! H3> Apply the cream not only on the face, and on the neck. However careful you are not caring for the face, unkempt neck necessarily "will give "and the age and quality of the skin. < A little secret: neck skin has the same thin layer of fat, as well as the skin of the century, which means that it is more difficult to retain moisture and is more prone to stretching than the skin on the face. Smear neck cream for care of eye contour - so you moisten it enough
Do not forget to process a face cream earlobes and the area behind the ears - it is just as prone to aging: over time for unkempt ears formed ugly wrinkles
Do not walk under masks h3> Have you ever thought why beauticians - recumbent couch, not a comfortable chair in which, it might be more convenient, and the doctor and the patient? Because you can not go behind the masks! And you can not stand and sit, too. Cosmetic mask - something hard in the literal sense. Thick fat cream, printed on the skin will pull it down and stretch under the influence of gravity. That is why under the mask can only lie.
Typically, the mask "work" for 10-15 minutes, and this time, we recommend just lain on the couch watching TV.
Do not forget the tonic h3> Simple washing gel for removing make-up is not enough to clean the skin. Gel for washing is only to quickly dissolve and remove cosmetics. In this case, it does not relieve the skin or fat from natural lubrication, no dirt has scored the pores.
After washing, carefully wipe the skin tonic or micellar water, wait until dry and only then proceed to the application of moisturizer. Do you see a yellowish plaque on cotton pads? This is not wash gel for washing oil.
Wash your hands often h3> Brushes for the application of powder, rouge, shadow, lipstick, but there are few of them, the most important of these brushes, and sponges! Wash them thoroughly at least once a week, preferably with antibacterial soap - brush spread the bacteria to the places where any pimples or other inflammation - all over his face
Less experiment h3> Found the best in the world or cream ideal for skin hydrating lip lipstick? Enough experiments - use them as long as possible! Contrary to popular belief, the skin does not "accustomed" to certain media - that you currently fit, it will be suitable for a long time, so keep your favorite brands and less likely to change the basic care products - creams, tonics, etc.
Select tonal resources properly h3> Creams and bases are chosen not only shade, but also on the skin type. It is important! For dry skin, use tonalnik for dry skin, in variant with oily skin - respectively, and if the skin is combination - you can try those and other means, until you find a suitable (and then go back to step 2)
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