The most common mistakes in skin care
In recent years, the beauty industry has greatly developed and popularized. There are many skincare To preserve its youth and freshness. But not always the result of invested money and efforts brings the desired result. This is because there are many myths surrounding skin care, such as micellar water and sun protection.
Editorial "Site" Analyzed the advice of leading dermatologists and presents to your attention the 6 most common mistakes in home-care.
How to take care of the skin Mistakes in skin care
Skin care should be comprehensive and regular. You should always adhere to the 3-step care system - cleansing, toning, moisturizing and monitor how the skin reacts to certain remedies. It is best that the care is prescribed by a dermatologist. After all, very often defects on the skin signal problems inside the body. And it also often happens that the skin greases from dehydration, and dries from the use of oils.
We also talked about beauty procedures at what age.
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Editorial "Site" Analyzed the advice of leading dermatologists and presents to your attention the 6 most common mistakes in home-care.
How to take care of the skin Mistakes in skin care
- Natural oils are all ours.
Skin oils are now at the peak of popularity. However, too frequent their use or even the replacement of the cream will not please the skin only if the scheme of their use is not prescribed by the beautician. It has long been known that fats dissolve fats, so hydrophilic oil is good to clean the face of makeup and contaminants in the evening. But it has to be washed away. But coconut and olive oil, which women love so much, should not be used in care.
The fact is that oils create a film on the skin, which makes metabolic processes in the dermis slower. Also, even the so-called non-comedogenic oils with frequent use lead to clogged pores and acne. In the East, where oils are especially revered, women often visit hamam and make peels. But if you just smear the skin with oil, then wrinkles and a subcutaneous rash will appear on it quickly. If you use oils, it is rare, and apply them not on the scalp of the skin.
DepositPhotos - Micellar boom
Good advertising of micellar water has made it a necessity for every girl. There is even a very popular myth that mycelar water should be washed instead of tap water, and also clean the skin with it before making up instead of tonic. It's like it's a universal remedy. The micelles in this product are designed to remove dirt and excess fat on the skin, but if you use it every day, the skin will lose its protective barrier and become sensitive.
Also, many cosmetic micellar waters contain film-forming substances, so it must be washed off. Micelar water is good on trips, for example, but for daily use it is not good, especially for the skin around the eyes. If the small wrinkled mesh under the eyes is not removed even by good creams with active compositions, then try to abandon micellar water in care. You'll notice the changes in a week.
DepositPhotos - Beauty pills
It is proved that collagen in creams is not absorbed by the skin, so they began to release it in tablets and powders that must be used to maintain beauty. But there is no scientific evidence that in this way it is absorbed by the body. The same applies to hyaluronic acid capsules. In the stomach, collagen breaks down into amino acids, just like other foods. It does not enter the blood or skin in its pure form. Of course, there is no harm from such dietary supplements, but the expected effect is as well. It is better to adjust your diet and daily habits to keep your skin beautiful.
DepositPhotos - Retinoids - eternal youth
Retinoids can often be found in good anti-aging cosmetics. This is a really good active component that prevents the appearance of comedones, reduces the thickness of the epidermis, removes inflammatory processes on the skin. They are used to combat acne, photoaging and the appearance of wrinkles. But there is a caveat: the safety of retinoids has not been established. For example, funds with their presence in the composition are prohibited for pregnant women.
Therefore, you should not be very fond of retinol and buy all creams, serums and tonics based on it. If you use cosmetics with retinoids, then you need to have creams with ceramides that will restore the protective functions of the skin. In addition, retinoids can not be used during periods of increased solar activity (as well as acids) so as not to be covered with pigment spots. It is best to ask a dermatologist what concentration of retinol in the funds is suitable for your skin. In the compositions they are designated as follows: isotretinoin, isotrexin, vitamin A.
DepositPhotos - Without SPF, nowhere.
It is no secret that the sun contributes to photoaging. If you do not protect the skin of the face, then wrinkles and pigment spots will appear on it, and cancer diseases may also develop. SPF does create a protective shield on the skin, but this does not mean that you can sunbathe all day or walk in the sun. No remedy protects against the sun 100%, and effective only means with an SPF of 50 and above. Those below, such as the usual 30, do not provide much protection during periods of increased solar activity.
Also, dermatologists say that you do not need to advertise and use creams with SPF all year round (in our latitudes). After all, excessive use of sun protection can harm no less than ultraviolet light. It is necessary to focus on the solar activity index in the weather forecast: if it is 1-2, then SPF can not be used, and if 3 or more - it is necessary. The exception is the use of acids and retinoids in winter care.
The sun’s rays are most aggressive for the skin in April and May, especially for people with very white skin. Therefore, during this period, you should already include SPF funds in your care to prevent the appearance of freckles. The best sun protectors are a hat or cap, clothes made of natural fabrics.
DepositPhotos - Miracle mixtures
Now in vogue are concentrates of active substances that need to be added to your creams or serums. But it's a mistake. Each tool is designed in such a way that it is effective. To mix funds, you need to be well versed in chemistry. For example, hormonal creams or creams of thick textures should not be supplemented with vitamins A and E. Such experiments can make a good composition completely useless.
Skin care should be comprehensive and regular. You should always adhere to the 3-step care system - cleansing, toning, moisturizing and monitor how the skin reacts to certain remedies. It is best that the care is prescribed by a dermatologist. After all, very often defects on the skin signal problems inside the body. And it also often happens that the skin greases from dehydration, and dries from the use of oils.
We also talked about beauty procedures at what age.
Tell us in the comments what you do from the list of procedures. Share this article with your friends on social media!
Photo by depositphotos preview.