Ability to set goals:

The ability to set goals - not less important than the ability to find the means to implement them. That is, no matter how talented you are, no matter how many opportunities open to you - as long as you do not specify a target, no significant progress will not achieve.
Why do we set goals?
Why can not you just want something to dream? This fact is something that we seek? To some extent this is true. Still, between the goal and the dream there are many differences. First, the purpose is formulated, and the dream is more abstract, diffuse character, which does not contribute to its implementation. Secondly, the target implies a particular artist, most often - the person, while the dream is counting on the fact that everything happens by itself. Third, setting a definite goal, a person plans to make certain investments (financial, human, intellectual, etc.). In dreams, we do not think about the contributions, waiting for just arrived.

Are there any requirements to the goal?
What should it be? First of all, the goal must be doable. That is, if your goal - to buy an island or become President of Namibia, it is likely that you will suffer a lifetime from the inability to achieve it. From this arise complexes and lack of confidence in their own abilities. If you want to make repairs in the apartment, you will be proud with the successful completion of the work.
In addition, the goal should be spelled out (yes, it is very important that it is precisely framed on paper, and not simply aloud) as specific as possible. That is, you should not just want to be "rich." It is necessary to indicate the specific amounts and terms of achieving high returns.
You must set goals in different walks of life to develop harmoniously in all directions. You must strive to achieve not only financial success but also of family, intellectual and physical. In addition, the targets should be close and long-term, high-quality (I would rather do ...) and quantitative (want to have any more ...).
What should be taken into account, set goals?
One of the rules formulation: work only affirmative goal. That is, in speaking the target should not be a negation ("I want to get sick" - is wrong, "I want to get rid of the disease," or "I want to be healthy" - right).
In formulating the goal, remember that for its implementation must meet only you. Do not set goals that will depend on the actions of others.
Build a multi-level plans. Break one large and distant goal into several smaller ones, thus creating a kind of program of action for the near future.
Stated goals you do not have to be mutually exclusive. For example, you can not aspire to move to another country, and at the same time rely on certain achievements in his hometown. The objectives should be linked and be in harmony with each other.
Finally. Having set a certain goal, try to take into account all the possible obstacles to its achievement and advance reconcile with their appearance. Be prepared for all possible obstacles and fully prepared to proceed with the implementation of the plans!