NASA's Space scientists published the results of research conducted over the web has unique properties, which shows the Holy Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Our Lady of Aparecida.
Sensational for scientists was the result of the analysis of ophthalmic eye image. Our Lady of the retina at the approach of light decreases and increases when the light is muffled or out. In other words, the eyes of the Virgin Mary responded to light, like the eyes of a living person, only in reverse.
US researchers also noted that the temperature of the tissue, which depicts the image corresponded to the normal temperature of the human body and the living was 36, 6 degrees Celsius.
Even more incredible was the discovery of the Virgin Mary something like a heartbeat! After listening to the image of a stethoscope, experts have fixed a significant pulse 115 beats per minute, which corresponds to the heartbeat of a child who is in the womb.
The study paints, which shows the "live" image, revealed another puzzle. Their composition is not known to modern science, it can not be any mineral or animal or natural origin, and nothing like this has not previously been found on Earth.
Our Lady of Guadalupe - the most revered saints in Mexico and throughout Latin America. According to an old legend, it was a simple Indian-Aztecs in 1531 on a hill Tepiak (in the north of modern Mexico City).
When the Indian Juan Diego Kuauhtlatoattsin spoke about the vision of the Franciscan Bishop Juan de Sumarraga, he ridiculed him, believing that the mother of Jesus can not come to some indigenous (Spaniards believed that the Indians do not have souls and can kill without fear for the state of their own) .
Then Juan went back to the hill to ask for help from the Virgin Mary. There he saw the barren peak of up to this time, in spite of the winter, was flooded blooming roses. He cut a few of them, and the Mother of God helped wrap them in a cloak.
Returning to the bishop, the Indian quietly removed the cloak and dumped at the feet of the priest rose. Everyone immediately fell to their knees, as seen in the cloak amazing image of the Virgin, surrounded by a radiant corona.
After this amazing miracle was recognized. At the same time the Spaniards recognized the existence of the soul and the Indians. And in place of apparitions of the Virgin, it was decided to build a cathedral.
Today, the Mexican temple Maria de Guadalupe is annually visited by 14 million pilgrims (the largest in the world), come look at stored under glass mantle with miraculous Virgin Mary. Some here are hundreds of miles on foot, and the last leg of the journey are on their knees.
Image of the Virgin and the material cloak on which she is depicted, and to research scientists at NASA have been numerous scientific experiments, which resulted in the experts concluded that truly amaze.
Even in 1979, after studying the image in infrared light has learned that part of the face, hands, clothes and robes of the image created by one step, without corrections and obvious visible brush strokes.
Pink - as opposed to the universal infrared impermeability pink pigment - transmits infrared rays. The colors in the image behave like the colors on the feathers of birds or butterflies: they change to the observer depending on the angle of view. In addition, they are now glowing, fresh and full, like new!
Amazing eyes. They seem to belong to a living person. Special studies found in the eyes of the Virgin Mary, "the phenomenon of reflection." It belongs only to a living person, and to portray him not even the most brilliant artist. It consists in the fact that the human eye retains some pictures of the surrounding world.
Thus, by increasing the eyes on the image again in 2500 they had found a clear figure of twelve. Probably, the historical scene in 1531 before the bishop: the person of the bishop Sumarragi Gonzalez and translator; Further Juan Diego opening his cloak with roses; woman's breast and the bearded Spaniard. In the middle - a group of Indians with the child.
The miraculous nature of the miraculous icon of evidence and research fabric, used for the manufacture cloak of Juan Diego - tilma worn by the Aztecs as the front apron or as a cloak on his shoulders.
The cloth was woven from cactus fibers, which do not differ in strength and, according to scientists, after two decades had turned to dust. How do you explain the fact that the coat has been around 480 years, science is not known.
Especially since he, for centuries in the public domain, to resist the destructive influence of humid climate, soot and smoke, millions of candles, as well as pollution from the pilgrims. Tilma touched and kissed the millions of believers, it had for thousands of patients, it grated on jewelry, personal belongings and even weapons.
In 1791, when cleaning the frame to the image accidentally poured a bottle of strong acid - no damage!
In 1921, a terrorist planted a bomb in a vase with a flower far from the web. The explosion cracked marble altar iskorёzhilos crucifix and the image of the explosion did not cause harm!
Today come close to the sacred tilma impossible. Before glazed altar laid treadmill - a horizontal escalator. And believers have time only to worship the Virgin of Guadalupe.
Meanwhile, NASA researchers said they will continue to study a unique canvas.